sleemanj / xinha

WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component (turns <textarea> into HTML editors)
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R496 crashes IE6 (Trac #766) #766

Closed sleemanj closed 3 years ago

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

It seems to me that standard full_example.html example currently crashes IE6 (freezes, then at some point I can only kill the whole browser) quite reliably.

To reproduce: point IE6 to full_example.html

Reported by buz, migrated from

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

michael commented:

I couldn't get R511 (or R512) to work at all in IE6 (lost a mornings work trying to work out if I'd changed something) though it worked fine on Firefox 1.5. Reverted back to R490 (because that was the previous revision I'd checked out) and it worked again.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

buz commented:

I can confirm that 512 crashes IE as well.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago


sleemanj commented 18 years ago

wymsy commented:

Is it broken everywhere, or just in the examples? If it's just the examples, the culprit has to be changeset:511. Not sure, but I'm guessing it's the '.' after 'DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR'.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

buz commented:

Broken everywhere for all I know as it doesn't work on my version that integrates into eZPublish, either.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

buz commented:

It would seem to me that 495 was the last working version in IE6. So the changeset 496 is probably at fault.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

mharrisonline commented:

It works for me when the download is on my desktop, but once I put it on a Web server and access it that way, it never finishes initiating.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

changeset:513 - I don't know if this truely solves the problem, but it at least works for me now. I'm at a loss as to why it fixes it, or even what the problem is to start with. If anybody still has this problem after 513 please reopen.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

GazElms commented:

I'm still not sure that this is a good fix. I think the reason it occurs is because this piece of code in initSize() :

HTMLArea.addDom0Event(window, 'resize', function(e) { editor.sizeEditor(); });

Calls the sizeEditor() function every time the window is resized. It might be that when the panels are resized with this code :

  // (re)size the left and right panels so they are equal the editor height
  for(var i = 0; i < this._panels.left.panels.length; i++)
    this._panels.left.panels[i].style.height =;

  for(var i = 0; i < this._panels.right.panels.length; i++)
    this._panels.right.panels[i].style.height =;

this is triggering the event and it continues forever. When I was debugging this problem the sizeEditor() function was repeatedly invoked. Will download latest version and see how I get on.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

buz commented:

R513 doesn't seem to help my IE very much.

It still freezes.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

513 still has the same problem on my machine. Any ideas on this one?

If you follow the link below in internet explorer it freezes. This is due to the css, not looked into it properly but the stylist plugin inserts css, perhaps this might be the cause?

[ Internet Explorer Freeze]

sleemanj commented 18 years ago commented:

There are some indications, that we have an timing problem here, maybe similar to:

I had xinha throwing arbitrary javascript error messages from varying line numbers, while connecting via WLAN. The same page from the same machine and exactly the same browser instance works without problems via LAN

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

mharrisonline commented:

If I comment out the first block of changed code, Xinha starts perfectly for me on a server in IE.

I commented out the new lines from 1911 to 1923, and everything works fine: = edcellheight + 'px';  
// = edcellheight + 'px';
// = edcellheight + 'px';

  // (re)size the left and right panels so they are equal the editor height
//  for(var i = 0; i < this._panels.left.panels.length; i++)
//  {
//    this._panels.left.panels[i].style.height =;
//  }

//  for(var i = 0; i < this._panels.right.panels.length; i++)
//  {
 //   this._panels.right.panels[i].style.height =;
//  }  

  var edcellwidth = width;

Does this fix it for anyone else?

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

mharrisonline commented:

Does anyone know if commenting out those lines will cause anything in Xinha to break?

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

It looks like the problem was Revision 496, which should be rolled back or fixed, so that Xinha will once again work from a server in IE.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

wymsy commented:

I commented those lines out in changeset 519. We should probably also reopen ticket 543, which R496 was supposed to fix.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

Well, that fixed this ticket. I'm going to close it for now. Thanks, wymsy.