Open acacha opened 9 years ago
Note: only menu labels are not translated! Maybe menu is a singleton instance and is not possible to change labels?
EDIT: see next comment
Debugging with laravel-debug-bar I've confirmed that boot method of AdminServiceProvider (in which menu.php is readed) is called before my Language switcher Middleware. One possible solution is checking language at menu.php as following (the same code I use at middleware):
if (Session::has('applocale') AND array_key_exists(Session::get('applocale'), Config::get('laravellocalization.supportedLocales'))) {
} else {
we had the same problem in our fork...
We have implemented the locale change, based on
Then, you have to do the following:
Admin::menu()->label('User Management')->icon('fa-book')->items(function ()
@if( Sentinel::hasAnyAccess($permission) )
<li {!! (count($items) > 0) ? 'class="treeview"' : '' !!}>
<a href="{{ $url }}">
<i class="fa fa-fw {{ $icon }}"></i> <span>{!! trans($label) !!}</span>
@if (count($items) > 0)
<i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i>
@if (count($items) > 0)
<ul class="treeview-menu">
@foreach ($items as $item)
{!! $item !!}
As you can see, we moved the trans()
helper from the menu.php to the template and then everything is working.
And if you don't want to use translations, you can type whatever you want.
The trans()
helper will display the given value.
Hope this helps :)
P.S. The template is from the AdminLTE template
If I change Laravel Locale App using this aprox:
and menu.php file is:
Menu labels will not translate. Any possible solution?