Open plasenca opened 3 weeks ago
For the first MVP these are all features that we're going to consider. If there are others features or modules to bear in mind. Let us know 😉✌️.
Enum action_type { like unlike comment view follow reply repost } Enum post_type { post comment reply } Enum entity_type { user post } Table users{ id varchar [pk] email varchar [unique] password varchar username varchar [unique] phone varchar description text first_name varchar last_name varchar birtdate timestamp followers_count integer [default: '0'] created_at timestamp [default: 'now()'] updated_at timestamp [default: 'now()'] indexes { username email } } Table followers { id varchar [pk] follower_id varchar // User followee_id varchar // User followed_at timestamp [default: 'now()'] indexes { (follower_id, followee_id) [unique] } } // / User Activity Module Table user_activity { id integer [pk] actioned_by varchar // user_id action_type_id integer target_id varchar target_type entity_type action_at timestamp [default: 'now()'] indexes { action_type_id } } Table action_types { id integer [pk] name varchar action action_type } // / Posts Module Table posts{ id varchar [pk] content text likes_count integer [default: '0'] comments_count integer [default: '0'] reposts_count integer [default: '0'] parent_post_id varchar post_type post_type created_at timestamp [default: 'now()'] updated_at timestamp [default: 'now()'] } Table likes { id varchar [pk] post_id varchar // unique [post_id, user_id] user_id varchar created_at timestamp [default: 'now()'] indexes { (post_id, user_id) [unique] } } // Media Module Table media { id varchar [pk] file_path varchar file_type varchar entity_type entity_type entity_id varchar uploaded_by varchar // user_id created_at timestamp [default: 'now()'] indexes { entity_id } } Ref { followers.followee_id > } Ref { followers.follower_id > } Ref { likes.user_id > } Ref { user_activity.actioned_by > } Ref { user_activity.action_type_id > } Ref { likes.post_id > } Ref { posts.parent_post_id > }
A la tabla de usuarios de hace falta el valor del tema para que se ponga en 0 o 1 o Dark o Ligth para que se pueda manejear con cada usuario la configuracion del tema, como lo haran @Lostovayne
For the first MVP these are all features that we're going to consider. If there are others features or modules to bear in mind. Let us know 😉✌️.