sleepylessons / NetherAnarchy

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Ghost Blocks (Explosion) #13

Closed MadeByHand closed 3 years ago

MadeByHand commented 3 years ago

Short overview of the issue

When a creeper blows up or an explosion happens, invisible blocks can be created and trap you in them.

Steps to reproduce the issue (describe how you can cause this issue to happen)

Have a creeper explode some dirt.

Is this issue new / recently noticed, or something that's been happening for a while?

A while.

Screenshots of the issue, if relevant


sleepylessons commented 3 years ago

@MadeByHand Please provide more details if you don't mind. Such as:

MadeByHand commented 3 years ago

I play on vanilla. I cannot record with my computer. It is not reproducible on other servers and is likely a result of plugins. It happens possibly every single time. (not enough trials to confirm but so far 100%)

sleepylessons commented 3 years ago

@MadeByHand I can't reproduce this. I've tried with about 50 creepers and I can't get the issue to occur. I've tried vanilla and Meteor client.

However, asking in-game, a few people mentioned they had experienced it. Since it's fixable by relogging, or sometimes by right-clicking the ghost block in question, this isn't a super high priority issue.

I'd appreciate some more detailed information. If I can't reproduce the issue it's very difficult to fix. A video or a more detailed explanation of how to reproduce the issue will be necessary for me to be able to look into this.

sleepylessons commented 3 years ago

@MadeByHand I've just updated Airplane. The latest build has some upstream updates from Paper that are supposed to help with Ghost Block issues. Please let me know if the issue is still occurring frequently, as the update is now live on the server.

thebest9178 commented 3 years ago

I have been playing on meteor and as of 10 about minutes ago bedrock still blows up but only on the client, and blocks that should normally explode also often blow up only on the client. I've been unable to replicate this on my own airplane server even tested on a month old jar as well as the newest one. In the last few months there have been at least a few ghost blocks every creeper explosion I've had.

sleepylessons commented 3 years ago

@thebest9178 this issue is doesn't have anything to do with the Bedrock issue you are describing. Personally, I can't see any reason why the server would have anything to do with your client perceiving Bedrock exploding. Could have something to do with ViaVersion or ViaBackwards I suppose as they modify packets, but otherwise I don't have another hunch.

If you'd like this looked into, please open a new issue. If you're feeling super helpful maybe test using ViaVersion and ViaBackwards and see if your Airplane server reproduces the issue.

sleepylessons commented 3 years ago

@MadeByHand are you still experiencing this issue as of today?

sleepylessons commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity