sleighzy / ansible-kafka

Ansible role for installing and configuring Apache Kafka on RedHat and Debian platforms.
MIT License
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kafka advertised listeners commans #17

Closed Raawaan closed 2 years ago

Raawaan commented 2 years ago


i'm trying to add ''kafka_advertised_listeners" for each node in my custom inventory file example: zookeeper_id=1 kafka_broker_id=1 kafka_advertised_listeners='PLAINTEXT://HOSTNAME:9092'

and the output value in file is separeting each letter with a comma! output example: advertised.listeners=P,L,A,I,N,T,E,X,T,:,/,/H,O,S,T,N,A,M,E:,9,0,9,2

it works fine when adding the var to the main file anyway.


sleighzy commented 2 years ago

Hi @Raawaan

The kafka_advertised_listeners var should be a list, your current example shows this as a single string. Based on some examples of INI-style inventory files like your example (vs a yaml file) I believe it should look like the below, note the outer double quotes and array to represent the list.


Note that I haven’t personally tested this, but hopefully helps out.

sleighzy commented 2 years ago

…the above comment was done on my phone and the double quotes “” show up as “smart quotes” so be mindful if you copy’n’paste them to use proper double quotes.

Raawaan commented 2 years ago

it's working now, thank you :D