sleirsgoevy / ps4jb

PS4 6.72 jailbreak
503 stars 117 forks source link

Few issues I thought I should describe #70

Open justinfinite4 opened 3 years ago

justinfinite4 commented 3 years ago
  1. first of all, rest mode isn't working in 7.02 using hen, it works in chendo's exploit though, and worked in 6.72.
  2. second, when trying to run the jailbreak, few seconds later you can't run a payload, but need to run it immediately, an issue that wasn't in 6.72 either, however, if you run the webkit exploit you can wait afterwards as long as you want, and inject the jailbreak successfully even after 1 minute, but after jailbreak u have few seconds the ability to inject a payload, which means that the issue is on the jailbreak's end most probably, in chendo's exploit you can inject payloads after how long time as you want with no problem, my guess is that the leaks in 702.js might be problematic, or that the duplicated functions might be (addrof, fakeobj, hex), or the "".