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thoughts on refining support calculations #38

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
Description From Bob Marinier 2008-08-24 14:21:27 (-) [reply]
In o-support mode 4 (the default), support for a wme is determined like 

If a rule does not test a selected operator on the LHS, then all wmes it
creates get i-support.  If a rule does test a selected operator on the LHS,
then all wmes it creates get o-support, unless the wmes it creates are on 
operator itself, in which case they get i-support (because they are 
the operator).

There are a couple problems with this:

1) An operator elaboration only gets i-support if it is directly on the
operator.  Substructure further down does not get i-support.  This often 
to rules that have mixed support (and which should then default to i-
like this:

sp {mixed-support
(state <s> ^operator <o>)
(<o> ^i-supported.o-supported mixed)

The attributes of the wmes on the RHS above say what support they should 
according to the o-support mode 4 rules.  But the way support calculations
work, all wmes created by a production must have the same support, so we 
get a
warning message every time this rule fires saying that it's getting i-
In this case, that may be what we want.  But consider this:

sp {mixed-support2
(state <s> ^operator <o>)
(<o> ^i-supported true)
(<s> ^o-supported true)

In this rule, these will both be i-supported again.  Arguably this is a 
rule, but that doesn't mean the behavior should be bizarre.

2) A rule that modifies a superstate can create wmes that get two different
supports because the rule and the justification are different.  For 

sp {operator-no-change
(state <s> ^name whatever
           ^superstate <ss>)
(<ss> ^support both)

This rule has i-support (there is no operator tested), but if it's firing 
in an
ONC impasse, then the justification will test an operator (which is 
responsible for the name of the state), and thus the justification will get

The reverse can also occur:

sp {operator-no-change2
(state <s> ^operator <o>
           ^superoperator <so>)
(<so> ^support both)}

This rule has o-support, but it is elaborating an operator in the 
so the justification will have i-support.  This is a more serious issue,
because if chunking is on, then the wme will have o-support when the 
exists (since o-support "wins"), but i-support when chunks prevent the 
from existing.

In both of these examples, o-support "wins" so the wmes will be o-

Addressing the issues:

I won't claim to be able to completely address these issues, but we should 
able to make some headway.

When we consider changing support calculations, we need to be cognizant of 
few constraints:

* support must be learnable by chunking
* computing support should be cheap
* support of a result should be the same when it is created from a subgoal 
from a chunk that replaces that part of the subgoal (note this is violated 
operator-no-change2 above).

The existing support calculations almost achieve this, so what I will 
is merely a modification of the existing mechanism, not a wholesale

First, consider the deep operator elaborations (which currently get o-
 Conceptually, as operator elaborations, they should get i-support. 
Unfortunately, determining whether something is attached to an operator in
general is expensive (it requires computing the transitive closure), and if 
state is on an operator, then the implication would be that everything on 
state is i-supported.  And this still doesn't address the issue of a rule 
elaborates an operator and changes the state.

Instead, I argue for two principles: per-wme support calculations instead 
per-rule, and support determination based on the structures described in 
rule, not the entire structure of the state (perhaps call this "local 
determination").  In other words, if the LHS of a rule tests a selected
operator, wmes on the RHS of a rule that are connected to an operator *via
structure in the rule* should get i-support, and wmes that aren't get
o-support.  For the rule "mixed-support" above, both would get i-support 
there'd be no warning).  For the rule "mixed-support2", the wme on the 
would get i-support and the wme on the state would get o-support.  In 
this may still require a transitive closure calculation, but only over a 
which is typically small, so this should be cheap.

How would this situation be handled?

sp {mixed-support3
(state <s> ^operator <o>)
(<o> ^i-support <x>)
(<s> ^o-support <x>)
(<x> ^support unknown)

There are a couple possibilities.  We could give precedence to either 
elaboration or state changes, or we could give both supports (which is
equivalent to defaulting to o-support).  In o-support mode 4, everything in
this rule would get i-support (which definitely doesn't seem right).

Second, let's consider the superstate support issue.  We get multiple
conflicting supports, which means o-support wins.  An alternative would be 
use a "waterfall" model of support calculation: rules in superstates take
precedence over rules in substates when determining support.  Thus, the wme
created by the rule "operator-no-change2" above would be i-supported (since 
justification would take precedence).  In that case, it seems like what was
intended, and is what would happen with chunking (e.g., if the substate was
never created).

Finally, I think a lot of the confusion about what support a wme has and 
can be alleviated with better tools.  Currently you can print the support a 
has and what rule it came from, but mixed support is not shown and the 
in which a rule fired is not known (which is especially important for 
rules).  Additionally, justifications are often no longer around, so they 
be printed (this accounts for more frustration than anything, I think).
------- Comment #1 From Bob Marinier 2008-08-30 13:08:58 (-) [reply] ------
I'm just logging the comments people emailed on this topic (shown in
chronological order):

From: Randy Jones on 8/24/08

I agree that all the past attempts at defining support for rule actions 
have been confusing, which I assume is re-emphasized by the fact that 
we're now apparently talking about O-support-mode *FIVE*.  My own 
opinion is that the entire model for computing O-support has been 
fundamentally wrong from the start, implying that the new proposal will 
just lead to yet another confusing set of rules to choose from.

My opinion is that a Soar programmer *knows* when they write their Soar 
rules what kind of support they would like to be getting out of that 
rule, but they are then currently forced to translate that desire 
through the obtuse set of rules of their choice (mode 1, 2, 3, or 4), 
often also having to change their representations, in order to get their 
code to behave the way the want (and this task is even more important 
and difficult if the program is using subgoals).  And if they neglect to 
do this step, or do it incorrectly, or switch O-support modes, then they 
get bugs...often bugs that are very difficult to diagnose (especially 
when justifications are involved).

I continue to believe that Soar programmers should simply be able to 
specify explicitly in the rule which type of support they want each 
structure to get (ala :i-support or :o-support flags), and then the 
justifications/chunks would simply use the same explicit marking.  The 
"traditional" approach to i-support and o-support, to my mind, adds 
*nothing* in terms of functionality, and only makes Soar programming 
more difficult than it has to be.  The main arguments I've heard in the 
past against this approach is the desired to be able to control the 
learning of elaboration rules and application rules.  But I have never 
found those arguments compelling.  In the approach I propose, it's 
*easy* to control the learning of elaboration rules and application 
rules, because you make it explicit in the rules that return the results 
(instead of being forced to predict what your justifications/chunks are 
going to look like and whether they're going to meet the support rules 
you've chosen in the way you want).

From: Bob Marinier on 8/24/08

I think what you're suggesting is interesting, but it's also very
de-stabilizing to the code (both kernel and agent) without knowing if it 
really work.  If you/SoarTech/someone were willing to implement this (we 
call it o-support-mode -1 or something) then we can do direct comparisons 
real code.  What I'm suggesting is a much more incremental change to the
current code (well, probably -- it's hard to say for sure until someone 
into the code), and thus will probably be less disruptive (not that this 
is actually on the table.  I was just thinking about it and wanted to write 
thoughts down).

From: Doug Pearson on 8/25/08

Another way to come at this would be to observe that a lot of these problem
rules are bad rules and so maybe the right approach is to only allow 
defined PSCM operations in rules.  If a rule doesn't fall into an 
PSCM category then it would be invalid.  Then each PSCM operation would be
associated with some well defined support (based on the current theory).

That would sort of be what Randy is proposing because you'd be picking the
support by picking the PSCM operation.  You could even make that explicit 
the syntax :operator-elaboration, :operator-application etc so the parser 
check that your rule did what you expected.

OK this is way too radical to actually be that serious of a suggestion, but 
thing I wish I'd learned quicker from John is that he only ever writes 
clean little productions that do one thing (right John!).  And if you write
your Soar code like that in the end you get a lot better results.  And 
at each rule as a single PSCM operation would help ensure that.  It would 
push the theory hard because if limiting a rule to a single PSCM operations
prove too limiting or incorrect in some way then it would raise the 
question of
why is that hard and what should change to make it easier.

P.S. Bob that's what you get for stirring the o-support pot :)

From: Bob Marinier on 8/25/08

I like the notion of thinking about this in terms of the PSCM.  Arguably, 
is exactly what the current approach does, with the caveat that it tries to
detect the PSCM function from the structure of the rule.  As you say, this
often results in ambiguous cases because people can write "bad" rules. 
Furthermore, support can't reliably be determined until runtime because we
don't know what variables will resolve to.  And this seems to be the major
issue -- as it currently stands, support can't be determined until runtime,
whereas these alternative approaches determine support at write-time (for 
of a better word).

The problem here is that there are certain kinds of rules whose function 
be determined until runtime, and they are not necessarily bad rules.  For
example, learning from instruction, as I understand it, requires variable
attributes.  If you have variable attributes, that variable could resolve 
to an
operator, and thus affect the support of the rule.  I suppose we could 
this by saying that all variable attributes have an implied "<> operator" 
on them.  In general, though, it's still impossible to determine at write-
(from the syntax of a rule) what support a subgoal result should get unless 
eliminate elaborations that copy substructure down.  For example, instead 
referencing "superoperator", you would have to directly reference
"superstate.operator" so the rule knows it's an operator.  This would 
result in
more verbose rules (but it may still be the right thing to do).

At this point you're probably thinking that automatically detecting support
from rule structure isn't worth it, and we should just let the programmer
prescribe the support.  The thing that rubs me the wrong way about that is 
implies extra information associated with each rule.  This isn't 
bad, but I'm a bit worried about how that might work out neurologically
(perhaps I'm alone in still caring about how Soar maps on to humans).  
Also, in
Doug's PSCM case, there's no way to ensure that the operation claimed by 
rule is actually accurate until runtime -- for example, a rule that is 
as operator elaboration may not even test an operator.  So then we would 
runtime failures, which is bad (I suppose we could just warn instead of 

Original issue reported on by on 23 Jul 2009 at 5:02

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
From: Doug Pearson on 8/26/08

I'm agree with you Bob that I'm not really happy with the idea that the
programmer defines the support, although I can certainly see the practical
benefits of what Randy is suggesting.  But I do think it's reasonable that 
programmer defines the PSCM operation (either implicitly -- have Soar 
figure it
out -- or explicitly -- you define it).  Or put another way it would be
interesting to see which rules are (a) hard to determine the operation
[variable attributes are an obvious example] and (b) which rules don't 
map to a PSCM operation at all.  If those sets are reasonably small then
explicit definition might not be such a big deal as it would be uncommon.

We've generally taken the stance that any syntactically valid rule should 
accepted and processed and that gives a lot of flexiblity in the language 
perhaps it's a case off enough rope to hang yourself?  Of course if you can
write PSCM operations in a subgoal that produce a non-PSCM chunk then 
really no way around allowing it.  But I'd have to think harder about this 
I'm inclined to do right now to see if that's possible.

From: Karen Coulter on 8/26/08

I didn't read through all the details of these emails, but I'm pretty sure 
if you check the Soar rule parsing, Randy's desire to specify support on a 
rule basis is already available.  It used to be that users could add 
:i-support   or :o-support right before the LHS to force Soar to categorize 
rule at load time.  I'm pretty sure that those flags override any o-support
mode setting.   It was considered a hack, I guess, but it's been there 
Soar 6.  At that time, all matched rules fired in each elaboration cycle --
there was not the difference between elab and apply, so not sure what weird
behavior would happen now that elab and apply happen at different points.

The run-time assignment of support is incredibly complex and fairly error-
especially for objects with lots of structure.   Randy illustrates that 
quite well.  Variables and how they bind make it even more confusing.

From: Bob Marinier on 8/26/08

:i-support and :o-support still work, but Soar does not currently support
assigning support to learned chunks the way Randy wants to.
------- Comment #2 From Bob Marinier 2008-09-29 10:42:53 (-) [reply] ------
Updating comments on o-support discussion from ~1 month ago:

From: Randy Jones on 8/30/08

Part of the question, though, is what are the PSCM operations and who 
them?  Were "operator elaborations" a valid PSCM operation in the versions 
Soar in which it was impossible to create operator elaborations?  So if we
allow ourselves to say that the PSCM includes "operator elaborations",
"operator applications", "state elaborations", and "state applications", 
my proposed approach magically becomes okay, right?  (Although I'd be 
to divide that group of 4 into a group of two instead: "elaborations" and
"applications".)   Then I suppose you would also throw in "operator 
and "operator comparisons", and then require that those be i-supported 
if I remember correctly, has not traditionally been the requirement in the 
implementations, although I believe that's been the convention).  But I'll 
note that if you did it this way (that is, by making my proposed changes to 
PSCM, including forbidding o-supported operator proposals and comparisons), 
believe it would become impossible to write or learn rules that are outside 

From: Doug Pearson on 8/30/08

I'm not sure who would define the PSCM operations but if as you said there 
a set which was closed over chunking and where support was clearly defined 
each operation (and rules that tried to be two operations at once were 
in some manner) then I think that would be great, whatever syntax/method 
used to mark them.  I'm not really arguing for what those operations should 
but I think defining the problem in those terms is possibly a better way to 
than focusing on the mechanism itself.

It's a bit like chunking.  If you try to think about it as the operation
(backtracking from a result through rule firings to a set of wmes in the
superstate) your head just spins.  But if you think about which elements of 
super state should be referenced at all in the subgoal's problem solving it
becomes tractible.

In the same way if we spent less time thinking about rules and support and 
about PSCM operations (including arguing for what the correct set of 
is) it might lead to better system design and ultimately less confusing 

From: John Laird on 8/31/08

Along the lines of what Doug said, it seems to be a bit arbitrary to 
the PSCM role of a new structure is a superstate to be based on the *last*
inference that is made in a substate. It also seems to be very challenging 
get closure over chunking for a scheme based on the last inference. For
example, it is hard to see how a chunk could be learned that has the PSCM 
of operator elaboration (because the result would have to be created by an
operator elaboration in the substate). What the current scheme tries to do 
capture the role of the complete processing in the substate – what is 
and what is modified. I admit we haven’t gotten it right yet, but that 
mean there isn’t a solution along that path.

From: Randy Jones on 8/31/08

I'm a little confused by your example. Under the current scheme, a 
learned chunk would be an operator elaboration only if the result being 
returned is being attached directly to a super-operator, right? And that 
result can *only* be returned by the last inference in the substate, 
because that's when the chunk is created. So the PSCM role of an 
operator elaboration chunk is *already* based on the last inference that 
is made in the substate. I haven't yet seen an example where it would be 
challenging to get closure over chunking using a scheme based on the 
last inference. So what am I missing? My basic point is that it seems 
like the current approach wants to allow the possibility that the PSCM 
role of a chunk is somehow a "side effect", but in practice nobody does 
it that way (not to mention the evils of side effects from an 
engineering perspective) least in my experience, everybody knows 
what kinds of chunks they want to get when they write their code, and 
then they have to figure out a way within the current implementation to 
accomplish that. In my proposed scheme that's easy, because you just 
tell Soar what you want it to be when you return the result (and you 
also get no conflict between the support of the original result and the 
support of the chunk) all of the past O-support schemes there have 
been at least certain kinds of chunks that you have to do twisted things 
to try to get what you want out of the system.

From: John Laird on 8/31/08

My example about operator elaboration was to make a point about closure 
chunking, not about the last inference. I still am curious how you would
achieve closure for operator elaboration.

I do think there are issues with last inference and here are two examples.
Consider using an operator in the selection space to compare two
superoperators and then generate a preference. If you make the operator
application i-supported in the substate so the preference is i-supported,
that risks having a flickering elaboration (going in and out) if the result
doesn't terminate the substate and if the operator application tests for 
absence of the preference (which applications often do). I have used
operators for this in extensions to the selection space and it works in the
current system. Alternatively, consider using a state elaboration in a
substate to do the final step in operator application in a superstate. I
guess you could label the state elaboration as an operator application, but
there is no guarantee in Soar that the result is always part of an operator
application. It could sometimes be part of what has traditionally been 
elaboration (depending on what is tested by prior processing in the
substate) where the correct behavior is for the result to retract when the
reasons for its creation are removed from working memory. One of the
strengths of Soar is it can reuse a problem space in different ways
depending on the context.

I guess a lot of this discussion arises because you and I have two
fundamentally different views of the use of Soar. In my view, as we 
more and more toward general human-level behavior, I think we need to get
the programmer out of the way and have most of the creation of rules happen
through chunking (and possibly other learning mechanisms if chunking is
insufficient). Thus, there shouldn't be a programmer in the background that
"knows" what kind of chunks they want. Maybe this means that the direction 
want Soar to go in doesn't make it the best tool for knowledge engineering

I also think part of this has to do with styles of writing Soar code. I
think approaches where you have to twist your programming means that a
different approach should be investigated (as opposed to finding easier 
to do the twisting). That is my experience when talking to students who 
had issues with the current support mechanisms using chunking (modulo the
issues that Bob brought up in his original email).

From: John Laird on 9/1/08

After reading Randy's email again and thinking about this some more, I
believe it does come down to a difference in philosophy about language
design and the purpose of Saor. The key point probably is about substates
and results. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Soar is that
results are a side-effect of processing in a subgoal. I've always thought
that once a subgoal is set up, it just goes off and does its thing. There 
no explicit return of results - although sometimes some of the structures
are obviously connected to the superstate (such as operator preferences),
but not always. In terms of processing in the substate, structures that
become results aren't "special" and sometimes a given structure might be a
result, but other times, depending on the structure of the substate, it
might not be a result. This makes it possible to do some pretty interesting
things in substates that would not be possible if results had to be tagged. 

This contrasts with most programming languages that try to avoid global 
and side effects. In those cases, the programmer does "control" when a
result is created, and knows what the result structure should be. Thus, I
would think that under that model, controlling the support would make 

So, if Soar is being used as an advanced programming language, I can see
Randy's point. And in the design of Zoom - if they include
impasses/substates/results, it is probably appropriate to have explicit
results with explicit support. But the goal of Soar is not to be an 
programming language and so it is appropriate for some of these design
decision to be different.

From: Randy Jones on 9/1/08

Thanks for your further thoughts on this, John.  I guess my opinion 
might boil down to this: The ability to create the kinds of "possibly 
interesting side effects" that you describe is *exactly* what causes the 
kinds of mixed-support problems that were identified in the email that 
started this thread.  So I don't believe it will be possible to maintain 
the ability to keep these kinds of side effects but also get rid of the 
potential for these kinds of problems.  Put another way, I believe that 
if you ever do find a way to solve the problems, you will discover that 
you have effectively eliminated the possibility of having the side 
effects.  The reason I fall on the side of the fence I do is that I've 
never seen any compelling examples of the usefulness of these particular 
kinds of side effects, but I've seen lots of cases where the 
support-mixing problems get in the way of a clean design.

Original comment by on 23 Jul 2009 at 5:02

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago

Original comment by on 23 Jul 2009 at 5:29

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago

Original comment by on 23 Feb 2010 at 7:44