slic3r / Slic3r

Open Source toolpath generator for 3D printers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Variable print settings for multimaterial AMF files #1776

Closed bryanpeele closed 10 years ago

bryanpeele commented 10 years ago

My goals is to import an AMF file with two different materials and apply different print parameters to each material. Specifically I would like to print one material at 100% infill, and the other material at some variable infill (say 30-50%).

As far as I can tell, I do not currently have the ability to do so. Please correct me if this feature already exists and I simply don't understand how to utilize.

In any case, the ability to vary print settings for different materials in a print would be an incredibly useful feature.

alranel commented 10 years ago

Yeah, this exists in the master branch and the GUI is being finished there for this purpose. You can also assign options via metadata in the AMF material by calling them like slic3r.fill_density and assigning the required value. I have been working for months in order to achieve this goal, which required lots of refactoring and logic abstraction.

whosawhatsis commented 10 years ago

Last time I checked, Slic3r also did not print solid surfaces at the interface between materials in multimaterial objects. This usually makes sense to save material in single-material multicolor objects (the exception is when one of those colors is transparent), but it makes much less sense when printing materials with different properties, like printing hard ABS/PLA with flexible Nylon/TPE, or trying to use user-designed soluble supports instead of the built-in support feature. It would be nice if there was an option to change this behavior to always prints solid shells between materials or to save material the way it does now.