slic3r / Slic3r

Open Source toolpath generator for 3D printers
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openSUSE Tumbleweed cannot configure xs #5111

Open kittycatcaoimhe opened 2 years ago

kittycatcaoimhe commented 2 years ago

Do not report Prusa3D Slic3r bugs here without confirming it is a problem on a development release of Slic3r, or your issue will be closed. Development builds of Slic3r. Prusa3D Issue Tracker

Describe the bug Build.PL fails on ./xs. Generates the following message: `Slic3r requires the Boost libraries. Please make sure they are installed.

If they are installed, this script should be able to locate them in several standard locations. If this is not the case, you might want to supply their path through the BOOST_INCLUDEDIR and BOOST_LIBRARYPATH environment variables:

BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/usr/local/include BOOST_LIBRARYPATH=/usr/lib perl Build.PL

If you just compiled Boost in its source directory without installing it in the system you can just provide the BOOST_DIR variable pointing to that directory.` Bug persists even when using BOOST_INCLUDEDIR and BOOST_LIBRARYPATH, pointing to /usr/include and /usr/lib64. All boost and libboost packages 1_77_0 are installed.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run perl Build.PL
  2. Error occurs.
  3. Run BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/usr/include BOOST_LIBRARYPATH=/usr/lib64
  4. Error occurs.
  5. Run BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/usr/include/boost BOOST_LIBRARYPATH=/usr/lib64
  6. Error occurs.

3D Model and Slic3r Configuration Export N/A

Expected behavior Complete, error free installation of Slic3r.

Screenshots image

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context /usr/local/include does not have a boost folder, but /usr/include does have a boost folder. Also, /usr/lib does not have a boost folder, but /usr/lib64 has the boost libraries with no folder for them. I initially tried installing Zip-o-mat/slic3r nonplanar, but tested and confirmed the same issue with the same error occurs with the Slic3r/slic3r master branch. When installing prerequisites, perl-threads and wxWidgets-ansi-devel are not found. I tried using packages from other distro prerequisites as proxy.