sliceofcake / PixivMediaScraper

Keeps a local folder tree of your favorite pixiv artists' works, quickly gets newly posted works. [Python2] [Mac OS X]
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Breakage - Sign In Failure [29 Jun 2019] #19

Closed sliceofcake closed 5 years ago

sliceofcake commented 5 years ago

Script fails when attempting sign in. Manually, the error message is the completely irrelevant one saying that too many bad password attempts were made and a temporary lock is therefore in place. You can still manually get in reliably by just answering the grid captcha. Their system is a mess though - it seems to randomly ask you for a captcha and randomly show or not show that message. I tried visiting the page to copy-paste the text here, but I can't get the error message again - it just manually signs in without issue now.

I see a bunch of stuff on page load triggers, so wondering if they recently partnered with some third-party group and maybe it affected their authentication.

Or it could just by my account and/or bad luck. Will wait this one out for a few days because I'm currently at a loss...

ADD: Was working fine on [22 Jun 2019].

sliceofcake commented 5 years ago

Still a problem. The going theory is that pixiv changed their reCAPTCHA flow. Added a cookie override mode so that the script at least works in the meantime. Will think about full automation later, but it could be prohibitively complicated. a543a0e3230c4c8e71a2171089f95035a5df569c

sliceofcake commented 5 years ago

Now working as if the problem never manifested. Seems that it \~was\~ just temporary bad luck on my specific account.