slightech / MYNT-EYE-D-SDK

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imu and temp are not being published ROS. #57

Open saikishor opened 4 years ago

saikishor commented 4 years ago


I have been trying your ros wrapper, it works like a charm, however, the imu and the temperature info has a publisher, but in reality it is not publishing anything. Moreover, this callback ( is not being called at any point of time, which is pretty important to publish the IMU and TEMPERATURE info. Any idea?.

flinnna commented 4 years ago

Hello, we can get imu and temperature info by subscribing imu and temperature nodes. rostopic echo /mynteye/imu/data_raw rostopic echo /mynteye/temp/data_raw

saikishor commented 4 years ago

@flinnna that's strange. The thing is I am seeing the publishers by rostopic, but no information is being published in the topics. For instance, this is what I see when i use rostopic hz to check the frequency of published messages. My device is MYNT-EYE-D model: D-1000-120 FOV

~/other_ws/mynt_ws/src$ rostopic hz /mynteye/imu/data_raw_processed
subscribed to [/mynteye/imu/data_raw_processed]
no new messages
no new messages

~/other_ws/mynt_ws/src$ rostopic hz /mynteye/imu/data_raw
subscribed to [/mynteye/imu/data_raw]
no new messages
no new messages

I am attaching my roslaunch log when i run the command roslaunch mynteye_wrapper_d display.launch. Can you see if something is different from yours.

Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://congo:46101/


 * /mynteye/left/image_color/disable_pub_plugins: ['image_transport...
 * /mynteye/left/image_mono/disable_pub_plugins: ['image_transport...
 * /mynteye/right/image_color/disable_pub_plugins: ['image_transport...
 * /mynteye/right/image_mono/disable_pub_plugins: ['image_transport...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/base_frame: mynteye_link_frame
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/color_mode: 0
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/color_stream_format: 1
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/depth_frame: mynteye_depth_frame
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/depth_mode: 0
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/depth_stream_format: 1
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/depth_topic: mynteye/depth/ima...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/depth_type: 0
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/dev_mode: 2
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/framerate: 30
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/gravity: 9.8
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/imu_frame: mynteye_imu_frame
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/imu_frame_processed: mynteye_imu_frame...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/imu_processed_topic: mynteye/imu/data_...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/imu_timestamp_align: True
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/imu_topic: mynteye/imu/data_raw
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/ir_depth_only: False
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/ir_intensity: 4
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/left_color_frame: mynteye_left_colo...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/left_color_topic: mynteye/left/imag...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/left_mono_frame: mynteye_left_mono...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/left_mono_topic: mynteye/left/imag...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/mesh_file: D-0315.obj
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/points_factor: 1000.0
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/points_frame: mynteye_points_frame
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/points_frequency: 10
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/points_topic: mynteye/points/da...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/right_color_frame: mynteye_right_col...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/right_color_topic: mynteye/right/ima...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/right_mono_frame: mynteye_right_mon...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/right_mono_topic: mynteye/right/ima...
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/serial_number: 
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/state_ae: True
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/state_awb: True
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/stream_mode: 3
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/temp_frame: mynteye_temp_frame
 * /mynteye_wrapper_d_node/temp_topic: mynteye/temp/data...
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.3

    b2d_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    b2imu_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    b2imu_processed_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    b2l_c_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    b2l_m_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    b2p_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    b2r_c_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    b2r_m_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    b2temp_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    mynteye_wrapper_d_node (mynteye_wrapper_d/mynteye_wrapper_d_node)
    rviz (rviz/rviz)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [2111]

setting /run_id to 7d52d134-05ed-11ea-a276-2c4d544ed170
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2122]
started core service [/rosout]
process[b2l_m_broadcaster-2]: started with pid [2129]
process[b2l_c_broadcaster-3]: started with pid [2130]
process[b2r_m_broadcaster-4]: started with pid [2136]
process[b2r_c_broadcaster-5]: started with pid [2142]
process[b2d_broadcaster-6]: started with pid [2148]
process[b2p_broadcaster-7]: started with pid [2154]
process[b2imu_broadcaster-8]: started with pid [2160]
process[b2temp_broadcaster-9]: started with pid [2166]
process[b2imu_processed_broadcaster-10]: started with pid [2172]
process[mynteye_wrapper_d_node-11]: started with pid [2178]
[ INFO] [1573632818.759330861]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1573632818.817537331]: base_frame: mynteye_link
[ INFO] [1573632818.817564950]: left_mono_frame: mynteye_left_mono_frame
[ INFO] [1573632818.817575888]: left_color_frame: mynteye_left_color_frame
[ INFO] [1573632818.817588458]: right_mono_frame: mynteye_right_mono_frame
[ INFO] [1573632818.817600923]: right_color_frame: mynteye_right_color_frame
[ INFO] [1573632818.817612644]: depth_frame: mynteye_depth_frame
[ INFO] [1573632818.817626148]: points_frame: mynteye_points_frame
[ INFO] [1573632818.817638276]: imu_frame: mynteye_imu_frame
[ INFO] [1573632818.817650299]: temp_frame: mynteye_temp_frame
[ INFO] [1573632818.817662048]: imu_frame_processed: mynteye_imu_frame_processed
I/eSPDI_API: eSPDI: EtronDI_InitunameData.release = 4.4.0-141-generic
version 4.4.0
process[rviz-12]: started with pid [2184]
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-user'
[ INFO] [1573632818.986237927]: rviz version 1.13.3
[ INFO] [1573632818.986263079]: compiled against Qt version 5.9.5
[ INFO] [1573632818.986270437]: compiled against OGRE version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon)
Camera 0 serial number : 20373347344D500400570045
[ INFO] [1573632819.394611533]: ------------------------------
[ INFO] [1573632819.394637324]: Device Information
[ INFO] [1573632819.394651336]: ------------------------------
[ INFO] [1573632819.394672995]: 0 | index: 0, name: /dev/video0, type: 2, pid: 0x120, vid: 0x1e4e, chip_id: 0x15, fw_version: SICI-B12-B0135P-016-006-Beta4-ISO_Plugout2M(Interleave), serial_number: 20373347344D500400570045
[ INFO] [1573632819.394683985]: ------------------------------
[ INFO] [1573632819.394696138]: Selected device : 0 with S/N : 20373347344D500400570045 for streaming information
[ INFO] [1573632819.394732375]: Color Stream Information
[ INFO] [1573632819.394789517]: ------------------------------
[ INFO] [1573632819.394808256]: 0 | index: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
[ INFO] [1573632819.394830730]: 1 | index: 1, width: 2560, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
[ INFO] [1573632819.394845382]: 2 | index: 2, width: 2560, height: 960, format: STREAM_YUYV
[ INFO] [1573632819.394898103]: 3 | index: 3, width: 1280, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
[ INFO] [1573632819.394907386]: 4 | index: 4, width: 640, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
[ INFO] [1573632819.394913202]: 5 | index: 5, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_MJPG
[ INFO] [1573632819.394921147]: 6 | index: 6, width: 2560, height: 720, format: STREAM_MJPG
[ INFO] [1573632819.394930074]: 7 | index: 7, width: 2560, height: 960, format: STREAM_MJPG
[ INFO] [1573632819.394950194]: ------------------------------
[ INFO] [1573632819.394965778]: Depth Stream Information
[ INFO] [1573632819.394977494]: ------------------------------
[ INFO] [1573632819.394988016]: 0 | index: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
[ INFO] [1573632819.394998506]: 1 | index: 1, width: 640, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
[ INFO] [1573632819.395043439]: ------------------------------
[ INFO] [1573632819.396066328]: Advertized service get_params
[ INFO] [1573632819.407342643]: Advertized on topic mynteye/left/image_mono
[ INFO] [1573632819.414688163]: Advertized on topic mynteye/left/image_color
[ INFO] [1573632819.421743597]: Advertized on topic mynteye/right/image_mono
[ INFO] [1573632819.428765842]: Advertized on topic mynteye/right/image_color
[ INFO] [1573632819.440378754]: Advertized on topic mynteye/depth/image_raw
[ INFO] [1573632819.440685440]: Advertized on topic mynteye/points/data_raw
[ INFO] [1573632819.440971521]: Advertized on topic mynteye/imu/data_raw
[ INFO] [1573632819.441251554]: Advertized on topic mynteye/imu/data_raw_processed
[ INFO] [1573632819.441535657]: Advertized on topic mynteye/temp/data_raw
D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=0D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=35D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=1-- Auto-exposure state: enabled
D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=0D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=12D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=1-- Auto-white balance state: enabled
-- Framerate: 30
D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=7-- Color Stream: 2560x720 YUYV
-- Depth Stream: 1280x720 YUYV
D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=0D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=3D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=4
-- IR intensity: 4
D/eSPDI_API: CVideoDevice::OpenDevice 2560x720 fps=30
D/eSPDI_API: CVideoDevice::OpenDevice 1280x720 fps=30
[ INFO] [1573632819.644561290]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[ INFO] [1573632819.645134759]: OpenGl version: 4.5 (GLSL 4.5).
[ INFO] [1573632825.413746499]: Open camera success
[ INFO] [1573632825.413805234]: Camera info is created
Error: Motion intrinsics not found
This device not supported to get motion intrinsics.

Please let me know.

flinnna commented 4 years ago

hello, D1200 support Android only.And this camera does not have imu module.

saikishor commented 4 years ago

@flinnna sorry, I mentioned it wrong, my device is D-1000-120 FOV. I believe this has IMU integrated.

saikishor commented 4 years ago

@flinnna If you can just review the log and let me know if something looks strange. It would be helpful. it's strange that I can't get the IMU data.

flinnna commented 4 years ago

emmmm, Error: Motion intrinsics not found This device not supported to get motion intrinsics. It seems like not have imu params.You can try ./samples/_output/bin/get_imu_params.

saikishor commented 4 years ago

@flinnna Thanks for the input. I have tried the commands and this is what I get. Can you take a look once.

For the command ./samples/_output/bin/get_imu, I get the following output:

I/eSPDI_API: eSPDI: EtronDI_InitunameData.release = 4.4.0-141-generic
version 4.4.0

Camera 0 serial number : 20373347344D500400570045
Index | Device Information
    0 | index: 0, name: /dev/video0, type: 2, pid: 0x120, vid: 0x1e4e, chip_id: 0x15, fw_version: SICI-B12-B0135P-016-006-Beta4-ISO_Plugout2M(Interleave), serial_number: 20373347344D500400570045
Auto select a device to open, index: 0
Index | Color Stream Information
    0 | index: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
    1 | index: 1, width: 2560, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
    2 | index: 2, width: 2560, height: 960, format: STREAM_YUYV
    3 | index: 3, width: 1280, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
    4 | index: 4, width: 640, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
    5 | index: 5, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_MJPG
    6 | index: 6, width: 2560, height: 720, format: STREAM_MJPG
    7 | index: 7, width: 2560, height: 960, format: STREAM_MJPG
Index | Depth Stream Information
    0 | index: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
    1 | index: 1, width: 640, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
Open device: 0, /dev/video0

Error: IMU is not supported on your device.

For the command ./samples/_output/bin/get_imu_params, I get the following output:

I/eSPDI_API: eSPDI: EtronDI_InitunameData.release = 4.4.0-141-generic
version 4.4.0

Camera 0 serial number : 20373347344D500400570045
Index | Device Information
    0 | index: 0, name: /dev/video0, type: 2, pid: 0x120, vid: 0x1e4e, chip_id: 0x15, fw_version: SICI-B12-B0135P-016-006-Beta4-ISO_Plugout2M(Interleave), serial_number: 20373347344D500400570045
Auto select a device to open, index: 0
Index | Color Stream Information
    0 | index: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
    1 | index: 1, width: 2560, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
    2 | index: 2, width: 2560, height: 960, format: STREAM_YUYV
    3 | index: 3, width: 1280, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
    4 | index: 4, width: 640, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
    5 | index: 5, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_MJPG
    6 | index: 6, width: 2560, height: 720, format: STREAM_MJPG
    7 | index: 7, width: 2560, height: 960, format: STREAM_MJPG
Index | Depth Stream Information
    0 | index: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, format: STREAM_YUYV
    1 | index: 1, width: 640, height: 480, format: STREAM_YUYV
Open device: 0, /dev/video0

D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=0D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=35D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=1-- Auto-exposure state: enabled
D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=0D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=12D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=1-- Auto-white balance state: enabled
-- Framerate: 10
D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=7-- Color Stream: 1280x720 YUYV
-- Depth Stream: 1280x720 YUYV
D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=0D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=0D/eSPDI_API: SetPropertyValue control=7 value=0
-- IR intensity: 0
D/eSPDI_API: CVideoDevice::OpenDevice 1280x720 fps=10
D/eSPDI_API: CVideoDevice::OpenDevice 1280x720 fps=10

Open device success

Error: Motion intrinsics not found
This device not supported to get motion intrinsics.
Error: Motion extrinsics not found
This device not supported to get motion extrinsics.
jiziye commented 4 years ago

Perhaps you can refresh the main chip firmware and the auxiliary chip firmware. Then try to get the imu data. by the way, be sure to use the USB3.0 interface.

saikishor commented 4 years ago

@jiziye Thanks for the reply. I will try to do it and will keep you posted. Yes, I am using the device on USB 3.0.