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2024/05/10/bb-2-5-is-hard #11

Open utterances-bot opened 1 month ago

utterances-bot commented 1 month ago

BB(2, 5) is Hard (Hydra) | sligocki

Consider the Collatz-like function:

sligocki commented 1 month ago

Some OEIS sequences of interest:

LegionMammal978 commented 1 month ago

Note that we can also define B₀(a, b) = B(a − 1, b), giving Start → B₀(2, 0); B₀(2n, b) → B₀(3n, b + 2); B₀(2n + 1, b) → B₀(3n + 2, b − 1). The a values can be expressed by a(0) = 2, a(n + 1) = ⌈3/2·a(n)⌉, yielding the sequence A061419 and the parity sequence A205083. This variation has much literature of its own surrounding it, but definite results (as opposed to heuristic results) are very elusive.

bostick commented 1 month ago

I prefer to think of f as f(n)=⌊3n/2⌋.

nickdrozd commented 1 month ago

Has there been any further analysis of Pavel's 2/5 champ? Especially, is anyone able to run it in a reasonable number of simulator steps?