I'm using simple_form(3.1.0) and simple_form_bootstrap3(0.3.4) through slim(3.0.3).
When using simple_fields_for with .input label: "some label"
I'm getting a warning:
DEPRECATION WARNING: label_text method now accepts a 'wrapper_options' argument. The method definition without the argument is deprecated and will be removed in the next Simple Form version. Change your code from:
def label_text
def label_text(wrapper_options)
See https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/pull/997 for more information.
(called from block in _app_views_orders_new_html_slim__669515676501809607_58400240 at /home/victor/Desktop/vvc/app/views/orders/new.html.slim:33)
Does Slim directly uses simple_form or is there another abstraction layer which I should update?
I'm using simple_form(3.1.0) and simple_form_bootstrap3(0.3.4) through slim(3.0.3). When using simple_fields_for with .input label: "some label" I'm getting a warning:
Does Slim directly uses simple_form or is there another abstraction layer which I should update?