slim16165 / gik25-microdata

GNU General Public License v2.0
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Documenting the code #6

Open slim16165 opened 1 year ago

slim16165 commented 1 year ago

The is almost empty and there isn't any technical documentation. I need a high level perspective. But I prefer an incremental approach, start by writing something and I will give you a feedback.

Vorrei avere una visione di alto livello del nostro plugin WordPress "Revious Microdata". La nostra intenzione è di identificare le principali funzionalità e moduli del nostro plugin attraverso un'analisi del codice, piuttosto che dettagli specifici su come essi funzionano a livello dell'utente.

Ecco un elenco delle aree chiave del nostro codice che richiedono un'analisi:

Pullquotes Stilate: Come è stata implementata questa funzione nel codice? Compatibilità PHP: È possibile identificare se ci sono specifici controlli o implementazioni legate alle versioni di PHP? Integrazione Shortcode: Come vengono integrati shortcodes come link_vitamine nel codice? Caricamento condizionale: Come è stata gestita l'implementazione del caricamento condizionale degli asset? Caricamento del dominio: Qual è il meccanismo utilizzato per caricare file PHP in base al dominio corrente? OptimizazionHelper: Potresti verificare come aiuta nel codice a risolvere problemi come il mancato caricamento di CSS? Gestione dei post: Come è stata implementata la funzione "Lists of Posts"? Cache: Qual è la logica dietro il caching, in particolare per le pagine 404? Gestione dei tag: Come il plugin gestisce i tag nei post? RankMathOptimizer: Come viene implementata questa funzione per noindexare specifiche pagine? Barra di avanzamento: Come è stata implementata questa feature? Elementor: C'è del codice specifico relativo alle sperimentazioni con Elementor? Breadcrumbs: Come vengono gestite le breadcrumbs, in particolare in relazione a Yoast? Sarebbe molto utile sapere se queste funzionalità fanno uso di particolari librerie o strumenti come Composer, e avere una visione generale di come sono state implementate.


codeautopilot[bot] commented 1 year ago

Based on the analysis of the code, here's a high-level overview of the key functionalities and modules of the "Revious Microdata" WordPress plugin:

  1. Pullquotes Stilate: This functionality was not found in the provided files.

  2. PHP Compatibility: The provided files do not seem to contain specific checks or implementations related to PHP versions.

  3. Shortcode Integration: The include/class/Shortcodes/youtube.php file implements the shortcode integration for YouTube videos. The Youtube class extends the ShortcodeBase class and handles the YouTube shortcode. The ShortcodeHandler method is the handler for the shortcode, and it uses the wp_oembed_get function to get the embed code for the YouTube video at the given URL.

  4. Conditional Loading: The include/class/Utility/OptimizationHelper.php file handles the conditional loading of assets. The OptimizationHelper class optimizes the loading of CSS and JS files based on the content of the posts. The ConditionalLoadCssJsOnPostsWhichContainAnyEnabledShortcode method is responsible for conditionally loading CSS and JS files on posts that contain any enabled shortcode.

  5. Domain Loading: The include/class/Utility/ServerHelper.class.php file provides functionalities related to the server and domain. The ServerHelper class has methods like getUrl(), getDomain(), and getSecondLevelDomainOnly() which can be used to get information about the current server and URL.

  6. OptimizationHelper: The OptimizationHelper class in the OptimizationHelper.php file helps in optimizing the loading of CSS and JS files based on the content of the posts.

  7. Post Management: The include/class/ListOfPosts/HtmlTemplate.php file is part of the 'Lists of Posts' functionality of the plugin. The HtmlTemplate class generates HTML templates for the list of posts.

  8. Cache: The include/class/Utility/Pages404Helper.php file is part of the 'Cache' functionality of the plugin. The Pages404Helper class handles 404 errors and sets appropriate cache headers.

  9. Tag Management: The include/class/TagHelper.php file is part of the Tag Management functionality of the plugin. The TagHelper class has several methods that help in managing tags in posts.

  10. RankMathOptimizer: The include/class/Utility/RankMathOptimizer.php file uses the RankMathOptimizer class to modify the robots meta data for SEO purposes. It works specifically with the Rank Math SEO plugin for WordPress.

  11. Progress Bar: The assets/js/progressbar.ts file handles the implementation of the 'Progress Bar' functionality in the plugin. The HandleProgressBar() function creates a progress bar and updates it as the user scrolls down the page.

  12. Elementor: There was no specific code related to Elementor found in the provided files.

  13. Breadcrumbs: There is commented out code in the RankMathOptimizer.php file that checks if the Yoast SEO plugin is active and adds a filter to the 'wpseo_breadcrumb_links' hook if it is. However, the method that would be called by this filter is not defined in the class.

The plugin does not seem to use any specific libraries or tools such as Composer in the provided files. However, it does use the Yiisoft\Html library for generating HTML tags in the HtmlTemplate.php file, and the jQuery TypeScript definitions in the progressbar.ts file.

Changes on include/class/Utility/RankMathOptimizer.php The `RankMathOptimizer` class in this file is used to modify the robots meta data for SEO purposes. It is specifically designed to work with the Rank Math SEO plugin for WordPress. The class constructor adds a filter to the 'rank_math/frontend/robots' hook. This filter is an anonymous function that modifies the `$robots` array, which contains the meta robots directives. The function checks if the current page is a tag page using the `is_tag()` function. If it is, it sets the 'index' and 'follow' directives to 'noindex' and 'nofollow' respectively. This means that search engines are instructed not to index or follow links on tag pages. If the current page is not a tag page, the function returns the `$robots` array without making any changes. There is also commented out code that checks if the Yoast SEO plugin is active and adds a filter to the 'wpseo_breadcrumb_links' hook if it is. This filter would call the `yoast_seo_breadcrumb_append_link` method, but this method is not defined in the class. Finally, there is a commented out line that would create a new instance of the `RankMathOptimizer` class. This line is likely commented out because instances of the class are created elsewhere in the code. Please note that this file does not seem to use any specific libraries or tools such as Composer.
Changes on include/class/Utility/ServerHelper.class.php This file, `ServerHelper.class.php`, is part of the utility classes in the plugin and it provides functionalities related to the server and domain. The class `ServerHelper` has three static methods: 1. `getUrl()`: This method is used to get the current URL of the page. It checks if the connection is secure (HTTPS) or not (HTTP) and constructs the URL accordingly. If the server port is not 80, it includes the port number in the URL. 2. `getDomain()`: This method is used to get the domain name of the server. It simply returns the server name from the `$_SERVER` superglobal array. 3. `getSecondLevelDomainOnly()`: This method is used to get the second level domain name only. For example, if the domain is ``, it will return `example`. It uses a regular expression to match the domain name and then removes the top-level domain (like `.com`, `.net`, etc.) using the `preg_replace` function. These methods can be used throughout the plugin to get information about the current server and URL, which can be useful for various functionalities like loading PHP files based on the current domain, etc.
Changes on assets/js/progressbar.ts This file `assets/js/progressbar.ts` is a TypeScript file that handles the implementation of the 'Progress Bar' functionality in the WordPress plugin. The function `HandleProgressBar()` is the main function in this file. It first creates a progress bar HTML string and appends it to the first navigation element on the page. Then, it sets up a scroll event listener on the window. When the window is scrolled, it calculates the scroll ratio, which is the ratio of the amount scrolled over the total scrollable height of the document. This ratio is then converted to a percentage and used to set the width of the progress bar, effectively updating the progress bar as the user scrolls down the page. The function `HandleProgressBar()` is then passed to the jQuery function to be executed when the document is ready. This file does not seem to use any specific libraries or tools like Composer. It does, however, require the jQuery TypeScript definitions, which can be installed via npm or through the PHPStorm IDE.
Changes on include/class/Shortcodes/youtube.php This file implements the 'Shortcode Integration' functionality for YouTube videos in the WordPress plugin. The class `Youtube` extends the `ShortcodeBase` class and is responsible for handling the YouTube shortcode. Here's a breakdown of the class methods: - `__construct()`: This method is the constructor of the class. It sets the shortcode to be `md_youtube` and `youtube` and calls the parent constructor. - `ShortcodeHandler($atts, $content = null)`: This method is the handler for the shortcode. It takes two parameters: `$atts` which are the attributes passed to the shortcode, and `$content` which is the content enclosed by the shortcode (if any). If the `url` attribute is set, it uses the `wp_oembed_get` function to get the embed code for the YouTube video at the given URL, and returns it. - `register_plugin($plugin_array)`: This method registers the JavaScript file for the YouTube shortcode with TinyMCE, a popular WYSIWYG editor used in WordPress. It adds the path to the JavaScript file to the `$plugin_array` and returns it. - `register_button($buttons)`: This method registers a button for the YouTube shortcode in the TinyMCE editor. It adds the button to the `$buttons` array and returns it. - `styles()`: This method is intended to implement styles for the YouTube shortcode, but it is currently not implemented. - `admin_scripts()`: This method is intended to implement admin scripts for the YouTube shortcode, but it is currently not implemented. At the end of the file, an instance of the `Youtube` class is created. This instance will handle the YouTube shortcode whenever it is used in a post.
Changes on include/class/Utility/OptimizationHelper.php The `OptimizationHelper` class in the `OptimizationHelper.php` file is responsible for optimizing the loading of CSS and JS files based on the content of the posts. The class is initialized at the end of the file with `new OptimizationHelper();`. The constructor of the class calls the `ExecuteAfterTemplateRedirect` method with a delegate function `IncludeCssOnPosts`. This method adds an action hook to the `template_redirect` action in WordPress, which is triggered just before WordPress determines which template page to load. The `IncludeCssOnPosts` method checks if the current page is a single post page and if the post content contains a '[' character. If both conditions are met, it enqueues a CSS file named `revious-microdata.css` located in the `assets/css` directory of the plugin. The `ConditionalLoadCssJsOnPostsWhichContainAnyEnabledShortcode` method is responsible for conditionally loading CSS and JS files on posts that contain any enabled shortcode. It checks if the current page is a single post page and if any shortcode is enabled on the page. If both conditions are met, it enqueues a CSS file named `css-for-enabled-shortcodes.css` and a JS file named `js-for-enabled-shortcodes.js` located in the `assets/css` and `assets/js` directories of the plugin respectively. The `load_css_or_js_specific_pages` method enqueues the `revious-microdata.css` file if the current page is a single post page. The `IsAnyShortcodeEnabled` method checks if any shortcode is enabled on the page. It gets the list of enabled shortcodes from the options using the `GetListOfEnabledShortcodesFromOptions` method and checks if any of these shortcodes is used in the post using the `CheckIfShortcodeIsUsedInThisPost` method. If any shortcode is used in the post, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
Changes on include/class/ListOfPosts/HtmlTemplate.php This file, `HtmlTemplate.php`, is part of the 'Lists of Posts' functionality of the WordPress plugin. It is located in the `ListOfPosts` directory under the `class` directory. The file is responsible for generating HTML templates for the list of posts. It uses the `Yiisoft\Html` library for generating HTML tags. The class `HtmlTemplate` contains three static methods: 1. `GetTemplateNoThumbnail(string $target_url, string $nome, string $commento, $noLink)`: This method generates an HTML template for a list item without a thumbnail. It takes four parameters: the URL of the target post, the name of the post, a comment, and a boolean indicating whether the post should be linked. Depending on the parameters, it returns an HTML string representing a list item. 2. `GetTemplateWithThumbnail(string $target_url, string $anchorText, string $comment, $target_post, $noLink)`: This method generates an HTML template for a list item with a thumbnail. It takes five parameters: the URL of the target post, the anchor text for the link, a comment, the target post object, and a boolean indicating whether the post should be linked. It uses the `get_the_post_thumbnail_url` WordPress function to get the URL of the post's thumbnail. It then calls the `GetFeaturedImage` method to generate the HTML for the thumbnail. Depending on the parameters, it returns an HTML string representing a list item with a thumbnail. 3. `GetFeaturedImage($featured_img_url, string $anchorText)`: This method generates the HTML for a thumbnail image. It takes two parameters: the URL of the image and the alt text for the image. If the image URL is null, it uses a placeholder image. It returns an HTML string representing an image. The `HtmlTemplate` class uses the `Yiisoft\Html` library to generate HTML tags. The `Html::li()`, `Html::a()`, `Html::div()`, and `Img::tag()` methods are used to generate `
  • `, ``, `
    `, and `` tags, respectively. The `encode(false)` method is used to prevent the content from being HTML-encoded. The `addClass` method is used to add CSS classes to the tags. The `render` method is used to generate the final HTML string.
  • Changes on include/class/TagHelper.php This file, `TagHelper.php`, is part of the Tag Management functionality of the WordPress plugin. It contains a class `TagHelper` with several methods that help in managing tags in posts. Here's a high-level overview of the methods in the `TagHelper` class: - `__construct()`: This is the constructor method of the class. It is currently empty. - `add_filter_DisableTagWith1Post()`: This method adds a filter to remove the link from tags. It also has commented out code for redirecting tags with one post and excluding tags with one post from the sitemap. - `wpseo_exclude_from_sitemap_1postTags($alreadyExcluded)`: This method excludes tags with only one post from the sitemap. It merges the already excluded tags with the tags that have only one post. - `removeLinkFromOnePostTag($tag_link, $tag_id)`: This method removes the link from tags that have only one post. - `removeLinkFromTags()`: This method removes the link from all tags. - `tagWithOnePostRedirect()`: This method redirects visitors to the homepage for tags with less than 10 posts associated with them. - `find_tags_with_only_one_post()`: This method finds tags that have only one post. It uses a SQL query to get the term_id of tags that are associated with only one post. - `find_post_id_from_taxonomy($term_name, $taxonomy_type)`: This method returns all the id of posts from a given tag or category. It uses a SQL query to get the post IDs associated with a given term name and taxonomy type. The class uses WordPress hooks and filters to modify the default behavior of tags. It also uses direct SQL queries to interact with the database, which is not a common practice in WordPress development. It's recommended to use WordPress's built-in functions and classes for database interactions.
    Changes on include/class/Utility/Pages404Helper.php This file, `Pages404Helper.php`, is part of the 'Cache' functionality of the WordPress plugin. It is located in the `include/class/Utility` directory and is part of the `gik25microdata\Utility` namespace. The `Pages404Helper` class is responsible for handling 404 errors and setting appropriate cache headers. It has two main methods: `change_404_headers` and `cache_control_handle_redirects`. The `__construct` method adds two filters if the current request is not an admin or AJAX request. The `pre_handle_404` filter is used to change the headers of 404 pages, and the `wp_redirect_status` filter is used to handle cache control for redirects. The `change_404_headers` method is used to force cache headers on 404 pages and prevent WordPress from handling 404s. It checks if the current request is not an admin request, not a robots.txt request, and if there are no posts in the global query object. If these conditions are met, it sets the `Cache-Control` and `Expires` headers and returns `true` to prevent the default 404 handling. Otherwise, it returns the original `$preempt` value. The `cache_control_handle_redirects` method is used to handle cache control for redirects. If the status of the redirect is 301 or 308, it sets the session cache limiter to 'public'. It then returns the original status. The `Pages404Helper` class is instantiated at the end of the file.

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