slim71 / SpartanLIFT

MSc thesis regarding the application of a teleoperated multi-UAV system for cooperative payload transport.
Apache License 2.0
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Fleet management #6

Open slim71 opened 11 months ago

slim71 commented 11 months ago

Build a fleet with any number of copters.

slim71 commented 7 months ago

It will be focused on linear or feedback-linearizable agents, so it will use the linear consensus algorithm. Specific agents used will be different types of quadcopters and hexacopters.

slim71 commented 7 months ago

Movements: rendezvous first, formation control later.

slim71 commented 7 months ago

The agents will be positioned on an imaginary circle with the leader at the center. All followers will have to maintain a certain distance from one another and from the leader itself.

slim71 commented 7 months ago

Example of formation with 6 agents:


slim71 commented 1 month ago

In the end, or at least up until now, the formation is not geometrically precise. That's because all agents have to account for an adjustment due to the collision avoidance calculations during rendezvous.

The main idea still stands though: the leader is at the center of the formation and the followers will be distributed around it.

slim71 commented 1 month ago

The Rendezvous is achieved through recursive iterations of a modified consensus algorithm:

p_{i+1} = \alpha \times p_{des} + (1-\alpha) \times p_i + \beta \times c_a
