slimphp / Slim-Console

Slim Framework Console
MIT License
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Slim CLI? #1

Open ABGEO opened 4 years ago

ABGEO commented 4 years ago


I think it would be nice to create a new Slim component - CLI Console (like Symfony Console), to start the PHP Dev server, Debug router and Container, Generating Routes and Actions etc.

If you agree with me, I can immediately start working on it.

l0gicgate commented 4 years ago

It would be a good idea to integrate into a separate repo. CLIs require a kitchen sink of dependencies so isolating it to its own repo is better imo.

ABGEO commented 4 years ago

@l0gicgate I agree with you, this should be a separate repository. We can create a new repository, for example Slim-console, and I will work in it, if we really need this feature.

l0gicgate commented 4 years ago

I'm definitely open to new features that improve the end user UX. Let's get some feedback in here and see what we should put in there

RyanNerd commented 4 years ago

@ABGEO07 @l0gicgate Would it make sense to put a CLI component as a part of ? Since this is what Slim-Skeleton's purpose is:

to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application.

rotexdegba commented 4 years ago

Is this supposed to be a cli tool for Slim powered web applications like artisan is for Laravel? Or is it a slim cli framework for creating cli applications?

mgamal92 commented 4 years ago

@l0gicgate Can i start implement thie CLI Component ?

ABGEO commented 4 years ago

Is this supposed to be a cli tool for Slim powered web applications like artisan is for Laravel? Or is it a slim cli framework for creating cli applications?

First one :)

ABGEO commented 4 years ago

@l0gicgate Can i start implement thie CLI Component ?

@mgamal92 Waiting for feedback. After that I will start working on it.

zelding commented 4 years ago

I would make the life of the cron-jobs much easier :) +1 vote from me

rotexdegba commented 4 years ago

Is this supposed to be a cli tool for Slim powered web applications like artisan is for Laravel? Or is it a slim cli framework for creating cli applications?

First one :)

Thanks for the clarification

RyanNerd commented 4 years ago

What's the status of this? Has a new repo been created? I'd like to contribute to this effort.

l0gicgate commented 4 years ago

I need to create a new repo. We also need to figure out how the CLI will be built. What are we going to use to create a console? I have experience with symfony/console. Any other suggestions?

Also, what is going to be the initial functionality?

I need more input

RyanNerd commented 4 years ago

I need to create a new repo. We also need to figure out how the CLI will be built. What are we going to use to create a console? I have experience with symfony/console. Any other suggestions?

Also, what is going to be the initial functionality?

  • Setup a project?
  • Create routes?

I need more input

I would suggest the initial functionality be create a project (prompting the user for what interfaces they want to use for error control, DI, etc.), Routes with a hello-world skeleton action. Other features to be added later may be validation and sanitation middleware.

My suggestion is to use Robo with Climate. I've used this successfully in the Willow Framework I created Willow to marry Slim 4 with the Eloquent ORM. Here are some examples:

./willow list image

./willow db:show-tables and willow db:show-columns User image

d3n972 commented 4 years ago

I would suggest the initial functionality be create a project (prompting the user for what interfaces they want to use for error control, DI, etc.), Routes with a hello-world skeleton action. Other features to be added later may be validation and sanitation middleware.

I would like to see something like in the yii2 framework's cli interface(especially their gii/* commands.

froschdesign commented 4 years ago


I would like to see something like in the yii2 framework's cli interface(especially their gii/* commands.

This means:

  • Model Generator - This generator generates an ActiveRecord class for the specified database table.
  • CRUD Generator - This generator generates a controller and views that implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for the specified data model.
  • Controller Generator - This generator helps you to quickly generate a new controller class, one or several controller actions and their corresponding views.
  • Form Generator - This generator generates a view script file that displays a form to collect input for the specified model class.
  • Module Generator - This generator helps you to generate the skeleton code needed by a Yii module.
  • Extension Generator - This generator helps you to generate the files needed by a Yii extension.

But where are the models, controllers, forms, modules and extensions in Slim?

d3n972 commented 4 years ago


I would like to see something like in the yii2 framework's cli interface(especially their gii/* commands.

This means:

  • Model Generator - This generator generates an ActiveRecord class for the specified database table.
  • CRUD Generator - This generator generates a controller and views that implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for the specified data model.
  • Controller Generator - This generator helps you to quickly generate a new controller class, one or several controller actions and their corresponding views.
  • Form Generator - This generator generates a view script file that displays a form to collect input for the specified model class.
  • Module Generator - This generator helps you to generate the skeleton code needed by a Yii module.
  • Extension Generator - This generator helps you to generate the files needed by a Yii extension.

But where are the models, controllers, forms, modules and extensions in Slim?

Excuse me for being short wording my comment, of course I meant just the idea of generating code from stubs, instead of controllers, modules, etc for example Action classes etc.

nixoncode commented 4 years ago


I would like to see something like in the yii2 framework's cli interface(especially their gii/* commands.

This means:

  • Model Generator - This generator generates an ActiveRecord class for the specified database table.
  • CRUD Generator - This generator generates a controller and views that implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for the specified data model.
  • Controller Generator - This generator helps you to quickly generate a new controller class, one or several controller actions and their corresponding views.
  • Form Generator - This generator generates a view script file that displays a form to collect input for the specified model class.
  • Module Generator - This generator helps you to generate the skeleton code needed by a Yii module.
  • Extension Generator - This generator helps you to generate the files needed by a Yii extension. But where are the models, controllers, forms, modules and extensions in Slim?

Excuse me for being short wording my comment, of course I meant just the idea of generating code from stubs, instead of controllers, modules, etc for example Action classes etc.

This is an overkill, slim is small allowing everyone to define their own structure and have their own way of implementation and not a kitchen sink.

Radiergummi commented 4 years ago

We use Slim as the basis for all our applications, adding default modules, structured base classes, a CLI module, a bundle approach and several other useful additions to it. Slim is fantastic here because it's completely un-opinionated about everything not request and response, and that is how it should be IMHO: Otherwise you could just use Yii/Symfony/Laravel.

Still, I am in favor of adding a command line interface to Slim, for two reasons:

  1. Bootstrapping default structures and best-practices is really useful. If you look around the web, Slim docs or the skeleton application, you will find several approaches to getting started. This is both confusing and at risk of being outdated or introducing subtle bugs.
    If we had a command line interface that'd allow bootstrapping default components like routes and their handlers or middleware, or setting up DI, or clearing/warming up the route cache, there would be a canonical, up-to-date way to do things.
    Symfony does this pretty well, I think - their make:* commands do lots of boring stuff for you. Not that Slim should fully go down the Symfony road, but taking inspiration is fine I think :)
  2. The possibility to add custom commands. I think in most applications of a certain size, a need arises to perform some actions on the command line - clearing caches, showing stats or performing maintenance tasks. If the Slim CLI would pick up user-defined commands, this would be simplified. Additionally, people could provide packages that, when installed both locally or globally, provide more commands to a project. This is pretty exciting because it paves the way for a streamlined Slim ecosystem.

To make this as easy as possible, I'd suggest using Symfony Console. That's the basis of composer, Laravel's artisan, the Symfony console and countless other tools. It's a simple, battle-tested, well-documented way to create console applications in PHP.

I'd volunteer to participate here, too :)

flangofas commented 4 years ago

@l0gicgate Initial implementation

For future plans:

👍 for Symfony Console.

I am a user of Slim and would like to contribute too.

geniuscd commented 4 years ago

I would love to contribute :) I use Slim all the time :) i vote for the following

for boilerplate, i love how @akrabat is putting it all together.

RyanNerd commented 4 years ago

@l0gicgate I agree with @flangofas road map as well as 5 others have given a thumbs up. Is anything else needed before a repo can be created for this?

l0gicgate commented 4 years ago

I will be creating the repo here shortly.

Should we call it Slim-CLI or Slim-Console?

Also the initial feature set will be:

We will be moving this discussion in the new repository when it's created and we can make a roadmap there.

adriansuter commented 4 years ago

What would the namespace names be like?

Personally, I don't like all caps in namespaces, but that's maybe only me.

zhorton34 commented 4 years ago

php slim preset:container {container}

php slim make:command ExampleCommand


namespace App\CLI\Commands;

use Slim\CLI\Command;

class ExampleCommand extends Command
   // ...generated stub



namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Slim\Console\Command;

class ExampleCommand extends Command
   // ...generated stub

My vote goes to Slim\Console

ABGEO commented 4 years ago

@l0gicgate nice to hear that from you🙂 I can immediately start working on the application when we get the repository.

P.S. I vote for the name Slim Console and the namespace Slim\Console

l0gicgate commented 4 years ago

I think Slim-Console and namespace Slim\Console makes more sense. The package would be called slim/console on packagist. I will be creating the repo shortly!

zhorton34 commented 4 years ago

Anyone have thoughts on the idea of these two types of console commands?

  1. Preset Commands
  2. Make Commands

Preset Command

  1. Ability to update composer.json (AKA require a specific implementation)
  2. Ability to add/import stubs (AKA scaffold/dummy class)
  3. Ability to add/import preset specific make commands
  4. Ability to remove preset (composer dependency, stubs, and commands)

Make Commands

  1. Ability to parse dummy stub
  2. Ability to accept arguments/options for a given stub
  3. Ability to override default location where file is generated (Is it overly biased to default a location where a class will be generated?)
  4. Ability to check if the given class already exists, and omit overriding the class as well as inform the user of a pre-existing file.
  5. Generate the directories to the given default generation path if the directories don't already exist

Examples of possible preset commands (Many examples are absolutely outside of the current scope, but provide some context)

php slim preset:container {implementation} php slim preset:logger {implementation} php slim preset:config {implementation} php slim preset:app-debugging {implementation} php slim preset:orm {implementation} php slim preset:template {implementation} php slim preset:front-end {implementation}

Examples of possible make:commands (Many examples are absolutely outside of the current scope, but provide some context)

php slim make:middleware {name} php slim make:migration {name} php slim make:command {name} php slim make:controller {name} php slim make:model {name} php slim make:action {name} php slim make:factory {name} php slim make:view {name} php slim make:component {name} php slim make:config {name} php slim make:exception {name}


How cool would it be if Slim never lost it's unbiased view point, but made it extremely easy to setup preset and make commands so once a development team inevitably decides on an implementation that even if the slim preset/make console package that it was easy enough to make that they would create it themselves.

Slim console itself is a core package, but then each preset/make group was its own package that acts as a sort of plug-in or provided service into the slim console package.

We never lose the agnostic view point of core, but still provide the ability to easily expedite and enforce the decided upon implementation.

If extremely easy, I think this would go leaps and bounds to pushing slim open source contribution to the next level.

I don't know, maybe I'm just a little too excited at this point ~ what's everyone else's thoughts?

l0gicgate commented 4 years ago


How cool would it be if Slim never lost it's unbiased view point, but made it extremely easy to setup preset and make commands so once a development team inevitably decides on an implementation that even if the slim preset/make console package that it was easy enough to make that they would create it themselves.

I agree, I think we should make something that is framework agnostic but that can easily be integrated with some popular libraries easily.

For now let's try and focus on one command at a time and have some thorough discussions around them. I will open separate issues for each. Let's continue the conversations in those threads

l0gicgate commented 4 years ago

See the two first issues:

Let's start there