slingdata-io / sling-cli

Sling is a CLI tool that extracts data from a source storage/database and loads it in a target storage/database.
GNU General Public License v3.0
312 stars 16 forks source link

Handle Custom Column Keys on Target Table Creation #149

Closed alberttwong closed 5 months ago

alberttwong commented 5 months ago

It's because the default table type in StarRocks is duplicate key however we do need a distribution hash and something that is a sort key

Eg. Primary key == StarRocks sort key and the key used for distribution hash

alberttwong commented 5 months ago

Duplicate key is append only immutable so deletes or update aren't allowed

Primary key tables are mutable and can have update and delete and upsert. Key used as unique and sort key.

Default table type is duplicate key. You can create primary key table with correct syntax.

We also have a 3rd type. Aggregate key table. Also immutable but increments (no new row create on key match) on duplicate entries. Really good for website hits use cases.

flarco commented 5 months ago

OK, here is the plan so far (feedback welcome!).

Since there are many options, or ways to create tables, I think the best path forward is to accept multiple entries in a new option: target.options.table_keys. This will accommodate multiple connection types (such as redshift, which uses sort keys) or bigquery (with uses partition or clustering keys), postgres (index keys)... Like this, sling can add extra DDL constraints as specified.

The primary key can be defined at source (leaving it as-it, since it's most common) or target.options.table_keys if preferred.

Example Task config:

  conn: SOURCE_DB
  stream: public.new_table
  primary_key: [col1, col2]  # works with all

  conn: TARGET_DB
  object: public.new_table

      primary: [col1, col2]      # works with all
      hash: [col1, col2]         # works with starrocks
      aggregate: [col1, col2]    # works with starrocks
      duplicate: [col1, col2]    # works with starrocks
      sort: [col1, col2]         # works with starrocks, redshift
      cluster: [col1, col2]      # works with snowflake, bigquery
      partition: [col1, col2]    # works with bigquery
      index: [col1, col2]        # works with mysql, postgres, sql server, sqlite...
      unique_index: [col1, col2] # works with mysql, postgres, sql server, sqlite...
alberttwong commented 5 months ago

Cool... looks like it'll support primary key and duplicate key. how about something like this?

create table orders (
    dt date NOT NULL,
    order_id bigint NOT NULL,
    user_id int NOT NULL,
    merchant_id int NOT NULL,
    good_id int NOT NULL,
    good_name string NOT NULL,
    price int NOT NULL,
    cnt int NOT NULL,
    revenue int NOT NULL,
    state tinyint NOT NULL
) PRIMARY KEY (dt, order_id)
    PARTITION p20210820 VALUES [('2021-08-20'), ('2021-08-21')),
    PARTITION p20210821 VALUES [('2021-08-21'), ('2021-08-22')),
    PARTITION p20210929 VALUES [('2021-09-29'), ('2021-09-30')),
    PARTITION p20210930 VALUES [('2021-09-30'), ('2021-10-01'))
ORDER BY(`merchant_id`,`revenue`)
PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "3",
"enable_persistent_index" = "true");


CREATE TABLE example_db.dynamic_partition
    k1 DATE,
    k2 INT,
    k3 SMALLINT,
    v1 VARCHAR(2048),
    v2 DATETIME DEFAULT "2014-02-04 15:36:00"
DUPLICATE KEY(k1, k2, k3)
    PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN ("2014-01-01"),
    PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN ("2014-06-01"),
    PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN ("2014-12-01")
    "storage_medium" = "SSD",
    "dynamic_partition.enable" = "true",
    "dynamic_partition.time_unit" = "DAY",
    "dynamic_partition.start" = "-3",
    "dynamic_partition.end" = "3",
    "dynamic_partition.prefix" = "p",
    "dynamic_partition.buckets" = "10"
flarco commented 5 months ago

🤯 haha, I think we have to draw the line somewhere. The user will just have to use target.options.table_ddl for that.

alberttwong commented 5 months ago

Tell me when you want me to test primary key and duplicate key tables,

flarco commented 5 months ago

@alberttwong Ready for testing!

For StarRocks, target.options.table_keys accepts aggregate, duplicate, hash, primary or unique. So you can create all 4 types of tables if you want.

Examples of using table_keys:

CLI FLAGS sling run -d --src-conn postgres --src-stream public.test1k --tgt-conn starrocks --tgt-object 'public.{stream_schema}_{stream_table}' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { duplicate: [ id, name ], hash: [ id ] } }'


  conn: postgres
  stream: public.test1k
  primary_key: [ id, name ]

  conn: starrocks
  object: 'public.{stream_schema}_{stream_table}'
      hash: [ id ]

mode: full-refresh

sling run -c task.yaml


source: postgres
target: starrocks

  mode: incremental
  object: 'public.{stream_schema}_{stream_table}'

    mode: full-refresh
    update_key: create_date
        unique: [ id, name ]
        hash: [ id ]

sling run -r replication.yaml

alberttwong commented 5 months ago

CLI didn't work. Did I miss something?

atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { duplicate: [ staff_id ], hash: [ staff_id ] } }'
2024-02-10 23:22:28 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-10 23:22:28 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-10 23:22:28 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1}
2024-02-10 23:22:28 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-10 23:22:28 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-10 23:22:28 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-10 23:22:28 INF reading from source database
2024-02-10 23:22:28 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-10 23:22:28 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-10 23:22:28 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:22:28 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-10 23:22:28 INF execution failed
--- task_run.go:87 func1 ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:501 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run_write.go:165 WriteToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- task_func.go:72 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not generate DDL for `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- database_starrocks.go:202 GenerateDDL ---
did not provide sort-key or primary-key for creating StarRocks table
atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { sort: [ staff_id ], hash: [ staff_id ] } }'
2024-02-10 23:23:02 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-10 23:23:02 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-10 23:23:02 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1}
2024-02-10 23:23:02 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-10 23:23:02 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-10 23:23:02 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-10 23:23:02 INF reading from source database
2024-02-10 23:23:02 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-10 23:23:02 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-10 23:23:02 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:23:02 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-10 23:23:02 INF execution failed
--- task_run.go:87 func1 ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:501 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run_write.go:165 WriteToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- task_func.go:72 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not generate DDL for `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- database_starrocks.go:202 GenerateDDL ---
did not provide sort-key or primary-key for creating StarRocks table
atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { primary: [ staff_id ], hash: [ staff_id ] } }'
2024-02-10 23:23:10 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-10 23:23:10 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-10 23:23:10 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1}
2024-02-10 23:23:10 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-10 23:23:10 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-10 23:23:10 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-10 23:23:10 INF reading from source database
2024-02-10 23:23:10 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-10 23:23:10 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-10 23:23:10 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:23:10 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-10 23:23:10 INF execution failed
--- task_run.go:87 func1 ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:501 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run_write.go:165 WriteToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- task_func.go:72 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not generate DDL for `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- database_starrocks.go:202 GenerateDDL ---
did not provide sort-key or primary-key for creating StarRocks table
atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { primary:staff_id , hash:staff_id } }'
2024-02-10 23:23:46 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-10 23:23:46 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-10 23:23:46 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1}
2024-02-10 23:23:46 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-10 23:23:46 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-10 23:23:46 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-10 23:23:46 INF reading from source database
2024-02-10 23:23:46 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-10 23:23:46 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-10 23:23:46 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:23:46 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-10 23:23:46 INF execution failed
--- task_run.go:87 func1 ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:501 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run_write.go:165 WriteToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- task_func.go:72 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not generate DDL for `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- database_starrocks.go:202 GenerateDDL ---
did not provide sort-key or primary-key for creating StarRocks table
alberttwong commented 5 months ago

So I tried with --primary-key. This feels weird to define because I already using options but it worked??? surprised.

atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { primary:staff_id , hash:staff_id } }' -d --p
rimary-key staff_id
2024-02-10 23:26:04 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-10 23:26:04 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-10 23:26:04 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1}
2024-02-10 23:26:04 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF reading from source database
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG create table if not exists `albert`.`staff_tmp` (`staff_id` integer,
`first_name` string,
`last_name` string,
`address_id` smallint,
`email` string,
`store_id` smallint,
`active` char(5),
`username` string,
`password` string,
`last_update` datetime,
`picture` varbinary) primary key(`staff_id`) distributed by hash(`staff_id`)
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF streaming data
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG WARN: Using INSERT mode which is meant for small datasets. Please set the `fe_url` for loading large datasets via Stream Load mode. See
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG select count(*) cnt from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG comparing checksums []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture"} vs []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture"}: []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture"}
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG select sum(abs(`staff_id`)) as `staff_id`, sum(length(`first_name`)) as `first_name`, sum(length(`last_name`)) as `last_name`, sum(abs(`address_id`)) as `address_id`, sum(length(`email`)) as `email`, sum(abs(`store_id`)) as `store_id`, sum(`active`) as `active`, sum(length(`username`)) as `username`, sum(length(`password`)) as `password`, sum(cast((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_update`) * 1000000) as UNSIGNED)) as `last_update`, sum(length(`picture`)) as `picture` from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG Error 1064: Vectorized engine does not support the operator, cast from VARBINARY to VARCHAR failed, maybe use switch function backend [id=10004] [host=]
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG table `albert`.`staff` dropped
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF dropped table `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG create table if not exists `albert`.`staff` (`staff_id` integer,
`first_name` string,
`last_name` string,
`address_id` smallint,
`email` string,
`store_id` smallint,
`active` char(5),
`username` string,
`password` string,
`last_update` datetime,
`picture` varbinary) primary key(`staff_id`) distributed by hash(`staff_id`)
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF created table `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG insert into `albert`.`staff` (`staff_id`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `address_id`, `email`, `store_id`, `active`, `username`, `password`, `last_update`, `picture`) select `staff_id`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `address_id`, `email`, `store_id`, `active`, `username`, `password`, `last_update`, `picture` from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG inserted rows into `albert`.`staff` from temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF inserted 2 rows into `albert`.`staff` in 0 secs [3 r/s]
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG connection was closed, reconnecting
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:26:05 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-10 23:26:05 INF execution succeeded

tried duplicate-key but didn't work.

atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { duplicate:staff_id , hash:staff_id } }' -d --duplicate-key staff_id
2024-02-10 23:27:36 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-10 23:27:36 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-10 23:27:36 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1}
2024-02-10 23:27:36 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-10 23:27:36 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-10 23:27:36 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-10 23:27:36 INF reading from source database
2024-02-10 23:27:36 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-10 23:27:36 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-10 23:27:36 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:27:36 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-10 23:27:36 INF execution failed
--- task_run.go:87 func1 ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:501 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run_write.go:165 WriteToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- task_func.go:72 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not generate DDL for `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- database_starrocks.go:202 GenerateDDL ---
did not provide sort-key or primary-key for creating StarRocks table

maybe change duplicate to --sort-key ???... didn't work either

atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { duplicate:staff_id , hash:staff_id } }' -d --sort-key staff_id
2024-02-10 23:27:45 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-10 23:27:45 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-10 23:27:45 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1}
2024-02-10 23:27:45 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-10 23:27:45 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-10 23:27:45 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-10 23:27:45 INF reading from source database
2024-02-10 23:27:45 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-10 23:27:45 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-10 23:27:45 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-10 23:27:45 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-10 23:27:45 INF execution failed
--- task_run.go:87 func1 ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:501 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run_write.go:165 WriteToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- task_func.go:72 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not generate DDL for `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- database_starrocks.go:202 GenerateDDL ---
did not provide sort-key or primary-key for creating StarRocks table
flarco commented 5 months ago

Are you using the latest code/binary? did not provide sort-key or primary-key for creating StarRocks table is an old error, I changed that.

Also, there is no --duplicate-key or --sort-key option. And the values inside table_keys need to be arrays.

Try these:

sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { duplicate: [staff_id] , hash: [staff_id] } }' -d

sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { duplicate: [staff_id] , hash: [staff_id] , sort: [staff_id] } }' -d

soumilshah1995 commented 5 months ago

im having same issue

version: "3.7"

    image: arm64v8/postgres:13  # Use a compatible ARM64 image
      - 5432:5432
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
      - POSTGRES_DB=postgres

    image: starrocks/fe-ubuntu:3.2-latest
    hostname: starrocks-fe
    user: root
    command: |
      sh /opt/starrocks/fe/bin/
      - 8030:8030
      - 9020:9020
      - 9030:9030
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=admin
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password
      - AWS_REGION=us-east-1
      test: 'mysql -u root -h starrocks-fe -P 9030 -e "SHOW FRONTENDS\G" |grep "Alive: true"'
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 3

    image: starrocks/be-ubuntu:3.2-latest
      - /bin/bash
      - -c
      - |
        echo "# Enable data cache"  >> /opt/starrocks/be/conf/be.conf
        echo "block_cache_enable = true"  >> /opt/starrocks/be/conf/be.conf
        echo "block_cache_mem_size = 536870912" >> /opt/starrocks/be/conf/be.conf
        echo "block_cache_disk_size = 1073741824" >> /opt/starrocks/be/conf/be.conf
        sleep 15s
        mysql --connect-timeout 2 -h starrocks-fe -P 9030 -u root -e "ALTER SYSTEM ADD BACKEND \"starrocks-be:9050\";"
      - 8040:8040
    hostname: starrocks-be
    user: root
      - starrocks-fe
      test: 'mysql -u root -h starrocks-fe -P 9030 -e "SHOW BACKENDS\G" |grep "Alive: true"'
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 3
sling run \
    --src-conn POSTGRES \
    --src-stream "SELECT order_id, name, order_value, priority, order_date FROM orders " \
    --tgt-conn STARROCKS \
    --tgt-object public.orders  \
    --tgt-options '{"primary-key": "order_id"}' \
    --mode full-refresh \


sling run \
    --src-conn POSTGRES \
    --src-stream "SELECT order_id, name, order_value, priority, order_date FROM orders " \
    --tgt-conn STARROCKS \
    --tgt-object public.orders  \
    --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { duplicate: [order_id] , hash: [order_id] , sort: [order_id] } }' \
    --mode full-refresh \

Error Message

INF execution failed
--- task_run.go:87 func1 ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:501 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run_write.go:165 WriteToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `public`.`orders_tmp`
--- task_func.go:72 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not generate DDL for `public`.`orders_tmp`
--- database_starrocks.go:198 GenerateDDL ---
did not provide primary key for creating StarRocks table
(venv) soumilshah@Soumils-MBP Sling % 
flarco commented 5 months ago

@soumilshah1995 the error message is old, so I believe you're not using latest version in branch v1.1.4. See new error message:

soumilshah1995 commented 5 months ago

hmm could it due to I installed using home brew ?

soumilshah1995 commented 5 months ago

yes looks like % sling --version Version: 1.1.3 (venv) soumilshah@Soumils-MBP Sling %

let me update the version

soumilshah1995 commented 5 months ago

can you help me here how I can update using home brew ?

brew uninstall slingdata-io/sling/sling

brew install slingdata-io/sling/sling@1.1.4

Warning: No available formula or cask with the name "slingdata-io/sling/sling@1.1.4". Did you mean slingdata-io/sling/sling?

but if I do brew install slingdata-io/sling/sling

I will install 1.1.3
flarco commented 5 months ago

Please see here to compile form source:

You need to install GoLang prior, and switch to branch V1.1.4

On Sun, Feb 11, 2024, 12:05 PM Soumil Nitin Shah @.***> wrote:

can you help me here how I can update using home brew ?

brew uninstall slingdata-io/sling/sling

brew install @.***

Warning: No available formula or cask with the name @.***". Did you mean slingdata-io/sling/sling?

but if I do brew install slingdata-io/sling/sling

I will install 1.1.3

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

alberttwong commented 5 months ago

Are you using the latest code/binary? did not provide sort-key or primary-key for creating StarRocks table is an old error, I changed that.

Primary and duplicate key works.

atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { primary: [ staff_id ], hash: [ staff_id ] } }'
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1,"transforms":["parse_bit"]}
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source","table_keys":{"hash":["staff_id"],"primary":["staff_id"]}}
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF reading from source database
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG create table if not exists `albert`.`staff_tmp` (`staff_id` integer,
`first_name` string,
`last_name` string,
`address_id` smallint,
`email` string,
`store_id` smallint,
`active` char(5),
`username` string,
`password` string,
`last_update` datetime,
`picture` varbinary) primary key(`staff_id`) distributed by hash(`staff_id`)
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF streaming data
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG WARN: Using INSERT mode which is meant for small datasets. Please set the `fe_url` for loading large datasets via Stream Load mode. See
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG select count(*) cnt from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG comparing checksums []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture"} vs []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture"}: []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture"}
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG select sum(abs(`staff_id`)) as `staff_id`, sum(length(`first_name`)) as `first_name`, sum(length(`last_name`)) as `last_name`, sum(abs(`address_id`)) as `address_id`, sum(length(`email`)) as `email`, sum(abs(`store_id`)) as `store_id`, sum(`active`) as `active`, sum(length(`username`)) as `username`, sum(length(`password`)) as `password`, sum(cast((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_update`) * 1000000) as UNSIGNED)) as `last_update`, sum(length(`picture`)) as `picture` from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG Error 1064: Vectorized engine does not support the operator, cast from VARBINARY to VARCHAR failed, maybe use switch function backend [id=10004] [host=]
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG table `albert`.`staff` dropped
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF dropped table `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG create table if not exists `albert`.`staff` (`staff_id` integer,
`first_name` string,
`last_name` string,
`address_id` smallint,
`email` string,
`store_id` smallint,
`active` char(5),
`username` string,
`password` string,
`last_update` datetime,
`picture` varbinary) primary key(`staff_id`) distributed by hash(`staff_id`)
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF created table `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG insert into `albert`.`staff` (`staff_id`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `address_id`, `email`, `store_id`, `active`, `username`, `password`, `last_update`, `picture`) select `staff_id`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `address_id`, `email`, `store_id`, `active`, `username`, `password`, `last_update`, `picture` from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG inserted rows into `albert`.`staff` from temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF inserted 2 rows into `albert`.`staff` in 0 secs [3 r/s]
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG connection was closed, reconnecting
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:45:12 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-11 07:45:12 INF execution succeeded

So I tried to put in a bad primary key and it allowed me to create a duplicate key table. Maybe the warn in this situation should be a fail but it's such minor issue.

atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { primary:staff_id , hash:staff_id } }' -d
7:44AM WRN hash:staff_id is not a valid table key type. Valid table key types are: "aggregate","cluster","duplicate","hash","partition","primary","sort","unique","update"
7:44AM WRN primary:staff_id is not a valid table key type. Valid table key types are: "aggregate","cluster","duplicate","hash","partition","primary","sort","unique","update"
2024-02-11 07:44:28 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-11 07:44:28 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-11 07:44:28 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1,"transforms":["parse_bit"]}
2024-02-11 07:44:28 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-11 07:44:28 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-11 07:44:28 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-11 07:44:29 INF reading from source database
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-11 07:44:29 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG create table if not exists `albert`.`staff_tmp` (`staff_id` integer,
`first_name` string,
`last_name` string,
`address_id` smallint,
`email` string,
`store_id` smallint,
`active` char(5),
`username` string,
`password` string,
`last_update` datetime,
`picture` varbinary,
`_sling_row_id` varchar(255))  distributed by hash(`_sling_row_id`)
2024-02-11 07:44:29 INF streaming data
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG WARN: Using INSERT mode which is meant for small datasets. Please set the `fe_url` for loading large datasets via Stream Load mode. See
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG select count(*) cnt from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG comparing checksums []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture", "_sling_row_id"} vs []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture", "_sling_row_id"}: []string{"staff_id", "first_name", "last_name", "address_id", "email", "store_id", "active", "username", "password", "last_update", "picture", "_sling_row_id"}
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG select sum(abs(`staff_id`)) as `staff_id`, sum(length(`first_name`)) as `first_name`, sum(length(`last_name`)) as `last_name`, sum(abs(`address_id`)) as `address_id`, sum(length(`email`)) as `email`, sum(abs(`store_id`)) as `store_id`, sum(`active`) as `active`, sum(length(`username`)) as `username`, sum(length(`password`)) as `password`, sum(cast((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_update`) * 1000000) as UNSIGNED)) as `last_update`, sum(length(`picture`)) as `picture`, sum(length(`_sling_row_id`)) as `_sling_row_id` from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG Error 1064: Vectorized engine does not support the operator, cast from VARBINARY to VARCHAR failed, maybe use switch function backend [id=10004] [host=]
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG table `albert`.`staff` dropped
2024-02-11 07:44:29 INF dropped table `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG create table if not exists `albert`.`staff` (`staff_id` integer,
`first_name` string,
`last_name` string,
`address_id` smallint,
`email` string,
`store_id` smallint,
`active` char(5),
`username` string,
`password` string,
`last_update` datetime,
`picture` varbinary,
`_sling_row_id` varchar(255))  distributed by hash(`_sling_row_id`)
2024-02-11 07:44:29 INF created table `albert`.`staff`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG insert into `albert`.`staff` (`staff_id`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `address_id`, `email`, `store_id`, `active`, `username`, `password`, `last_update`, `picture`, `_sling_row_id`) select `staff_id`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `address_id`, `email`, `store_id`, `active`, `username`, `password`, `last_update`, `picture`, `_sling_row_id` from `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG inserted rows into `albert`.`staff` from temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 INF inserted 2 rows into `albert`.`staff` in 0 secs [3 r/s]
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG connection was closed, reconnecting
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:44:29 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-11 07:44:29 INF execution succeeded

good warning messages

atwong@Albert-CelerData dvdrental % sling run -d --src-conn postgreslocal --src-stream public.staff --tgt-conn starrockslocal --tgt-object 'albert.staff' --tgt-options '{ table_keys: { primary: [ staff_id2 ], hash: [ staff_id2 ] } }'
2024-02-11 07:47:43 DBG Sling version: dev (darwin arm64)
2024-02-11 07:47:43 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-11 07:47:43 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1,"transforms":["parse_bit"]}
2024-02-11 07:47:43 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source","table_keys":{"hash":["staff_id2"],"primary":["staff_id2"]}}
2024-02-11 07:47:43 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-11 07:47:43 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-11 07:47:43 INF reading from source database
2024-02-11 07:47:43 DBG select * from "public"."staff"
2024-02-11 07:47:43 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-11 07:47:43 DBG drop table if exists `albert`.`staff_tmp`
2024-02-11 07:47:43 DBG table `albert`.`staff_tmp` dropped
2024-02-11 07:47:43 INF execution failed
--- task_run.go:89 func1 ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:503 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run_write.go:177 WriteToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- task_func.go:67 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not generate DDL for `albert`.`staff_tmp`
--- database_starrocks.go:215 GenerateDDL ---
did not provide primary-key, duplicate-key, aggregate-key or hash-key for creating StarRocks table

everything looks good to me.

alberttwong commented 5 months ago

I also updated my examples to reflect the new 1.1.4.

flarco commented 5 months ago

Maybe the warn in this situation should be a fail but it's such minor issue.

Agreed, just pushed logic that will error if a column in table_key is not found.

soumilshah1995 commented 5 months ago

@flarco I really loved sling and I have made YouTube Video

also I have shared sling on Linkedin

flarco commented 5 months ago

@soumilshah1995 Thanks alot, that's amazing.

flarco commented 5 months ago

Merged. Releasing 1.1.4. Thanks for all the testing!

soumilshah1995 commented 5 months ago

am I missing any steps here

 sling --version
Version: 1.1.5
(venv) soumilshah@Soumils-MBP Sling % 

Error Message

(venv) soumilshah@Soumils-MBP Sling % sling run \
    --src-conn POSTGRES \
    --src-stream "SELECT order_id, name, order_value, priority, order_date FROM orders " \
    --tgt-conn STARROCKS \
    --tgt-object public.orders  \
    --tgt-options '{"primary-key": "order_id"}' \
    --mode full-refresh \
6:29PM WRN Could not successfully get format values. Blank values for: stream_table
2024-02-13 18:29:53 DBG Sling version: 1.1.5 (darwin arm64)
2024-02-13 18:29:53 DBG type is db-db
2024-02-13 18:29:53 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1,"transforms":["parse_bit"]}
2024-02-13 18:29:53 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-02-13 18:29:53 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-02-13 18:29:53 INF connecting to target database (starrocks)
2024-02-13 18:29:53 INF reading from source database
2024-02-13 18:29:53 WRN Could not successfully get format values. Blank values for: stream_table
2024-02-13 18:29:53 DBG SELECT order_id, name, order_value, priority, order_date FROM orders
2024-02-13 18:29:53 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh]
2024-02-13 18:29:53 DBG drop table if exists `public`.`orders_tmp`
2024-02-13 18:29:53 DBG table `public`.`orders_tmp` dropped
2024-02-13 18:29:53 DBG create table if not exists `public`.`orders_tmp` (`order_id` string,
`name` string,
`order_value` integer,
`priority` string,
`order_date` datetime,
`_sling_row_id` varchar(255))  distributed by hash(`_sling_row_id`)
2024-02-13 18:29:53 INF execution failed
~ execution failed
--- task_run.go:89 func1 ---
~ Could not WriteToDb
--- task_run.go:503 runDbToDb ---
~ could not create temp table `public`.`orders_tmp`
--- task_run_write.go:177 WriteToDb ---
~ Error creating table `public`.`orders_tmp`
--- task_func.go:73 createTableIfNotExists ---
~ Could not execute SQL
--- database.go:1133 ExecMulti ---
--- task_run.go:89 func1 ---
--- task_run.go:503 runDbToDb ---
--- task_run_write.go:177 WriteToDb ---
--- task_func.go:73 createTableIfNotExists ---
--- database.go:1131 ExecMulti ---
~ Error executing query
--- database.go:1176 ExecMultiContext ---
~ Error executing [tx: false] create table if not exists `public`.`orders_tmp` (`order_id` string,
`name` string,
`order_value` integer,
`priority` string,
`order_date` datetime,
`_sling_row_id` varchar(255))  distributed by hash(`_sling_row_id`)
--- database.go:1162 ExecContext ---
Error 1064: Unexpected exception: Table replication num should be less than or equal to the number of available BE nodes. You can change this default by setting the replication_num table properties. Current alive backend is [10004]. , table=orders_tmp, default_replication_num=3
(venv) soumilshah@Soumils-MBP Sling % 
flarco commented 5 months ago

Interesting, not sure about what the error means. But you're not actually passing the primary-key, to do that, you can use --primary-key.

Try this:

sling run \
    --src-conn POSTGRES \
    --src-stream "SELECT order_id, name, order_value, priority, order_date FROM orders " \
    --tgt-conn STARROCKS \
    --tgt-object public.orders  \
    --primary-key order_id \
    --mode full-refresh \
flarco commented 5 months ago

FYI By default, if no keys are provided, sling will generate a 128bit uuidv7 in column _sling_row_id and use that as the HASH key (only in StarRocks targets)

soumilshah1995 commented 5 months ago

Got it Thanks @flarco

I think this is more StarRocks issue not sling let me ask Albert on this

DB Docker compose

version: "3"


    image: starrocks/fe-ubuntu:3.2-latest
    hostname: starrocks-fe
    user: root
    command: |
      sh /opt/starrocks/fe/bin/
      - 8030:8030
      - 9020:9020
      - 9030:9030
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=admin
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password
      - AWS_REGION=us-east-1
      test: 'mysql -u root -h starrocks-fe -P 9030 -e "SHOW FRONTENDS\G" |grep "Alive: true"'
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 3

    image: starrocks/be-ubuntu:3.2-latest
      - /bin/bash
      - -c
      - |
        echo "# Enable data cache"  >> /opt/starrocks/be/conf/be.conf
        echo "block_cache_enable = true"  >> /opt/starrocks/be/conf/be.conf
        echo "block_cache_mem_size = 536870912" >> /opt/starrocks/be/conf/be.conf
        echo "block_cache_disk_size = 1073741824" >> /opt/starrocks/be/conf/be.conf
        sleep 15s
        mysql --connect-timeout 2 -h starrocks-fe -P 9030 -u root -e "ALTER SYSTEM ADD BACKEND \"starrocks-be:9050\";"
      - 8040:8040
    hostname: starrocks-be
    user: root
      - starrocks-fe
      test: 'mysql -u root -h starrocks-fe -P 9030 -e "SHOW BACKENDS\G" |grep "Alive: true"'
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 3

    image: postgres:11
    hostname: metastore_db
      - 5432:5432
      POSTGRES_USER: hive
      POSTGRES_DB: metastore

    hostname: hive-metastore
    image: 'starburstdata/hive:3.1.2-e.18'
      - '9083:9083' # Metastore Thrift
      HIVE_METASTORE_DRIVER: org.postgresql.Driver
      HIVE_METASTORE_JDBC_URL: jdbc:postgresql://metastore_db:5432/metastore
      HIVE_METASTORE_WAREHOUSE_DIR: s3://datalake/
      S3_ENDPOINT: http://minio:9000
      S3_ACCESS_KEY: admin
      S3_SECRET_KEY: password
      S3_PATH_STYLE_ACCESS: "true"
      REGION: ""
      - metastore_db
      test: bash -c "exec 6<> /dev/tcp/localhost/9083"

    image: minio/minio

      - MINIO_ROOT_USER=admin
      - MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
      - MINIO_DOMAIN=minio
          - warehouse.minio
      - 9001:9001
      - 9000:9000
    command: ["server", "/data", "--console-address", ":9001"]

      - minio
    image: minio/mc
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=admin
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password
      - AWS_REGION=us-east-1
    entrypoint: >
      /bin/sh -c "
      until (/usr/bin/mc config host add minio http://minio:9000 admin password) do echo '...waiting...' && sleep 1; done;
      /usr/bin/mc rm -r --force minio/warehouse;
      /usr/bin/mc mb minio/warehouse;
      /usr/bin/mc policy set public minio/warehouse;
      tail -f /dev/null


     name: hudi
sling run \
    --src-conn POSTGRES \
    --src-stream "SELECT order_id, name, order_value, priority, order_date FROM orders " \
    --tgt-conn STARROCKS \
    --tgt-object public.orders  \
    --primary-key order_id \
    --mode full-refresh \

## Error Message 

Error 1064: Unexpected exception: Table replication num should be less than or equal to the number of available BE nodes. You can change this default by setting the replication_num table properties. Current alive backend is [10004]. , table=orders_tmp, default_replication_num=3

@alberttwong  any idea why im seeing this error 
alberttwong commented 5 months ago

Error 1064: Unexpected exception: Table replication num should be less than or equal to the number of available BE nodes. You can change this default by setting the replication_num table properties. Current alive backend is [10004]. , table=orders_tmp, default_replication_num=3