slingdata-io / sling-cli

Sling is a CLI tool that extracts data from a source storage/database and loads it in a target storage/database.
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SFTP connection always default to port 22? #259

Closed dduong1603 closed 2 months ago

dduong1603 commented 2 months ago

Issue Description

Whenever I use an SFTP server with the default port 22 sling works fine, but if I need to use a server with a non-default port sling will fail with an error

unable to connect to ssh server

(in this case the demo server has an SFTP port of 2222, and I define the connection with sling conns set SFTP url=s

flarco commented 2 months ago

Hi, I am unable to reproduce. I actually tried your URL, and it works fine with 1.2.2. I changed the port to 2223, and it then correctly failed. Can you check that there are no conflicts in your env? Meaning, an env variable is not overriding your env.yaml config. Also, run with DEBUG=TRUE, like DEBUG=TRUE sling conns test sftp to see more details.

dduong1603 commented 2 months ago

Hi, sorry I wasn't specfic enough. sling conns test works fine, but the command that failed for me was sling run

This works fine: DEBUG=TRUE sling conns test TEST_SFTP

4:06PM DBG opened "sqlite" connection (conn-sqlite-BqY)
4:06PM DBG adding default private key (<redacted>/.ssh/id_rsa) as auth method for SFTP
4:06PM DBG file discover inputs: {"column_level":false,"pattern":"","recursive":false,"url":"s"}
4:06PM DBG unfiltered nodes returned: 2
4:06PM DBG ["/upload/","/download/"]
4:06PM INF success!

But when I run:

 sling run \
    --src-conn WAREHOUSE \
    --src-stream 'analytics.dim__dates' \
    --tgt-conn TEST_SFTP \
    --tgt-object '{stream_schema}/{stream_table}_{YYYY}_{MM}_{DD}.csv' \
    --tgt-options '{"mode": "full-refresh", "format":"csv"}' -d

I got (this run happened on my Mac, but same thing with linux)

2024-04-09 16:09:35 DBG adding default private key (<redacted>/.ssh/id_rsa) as auth method for SFTP
2024-04-09 16:09:36 DBG Sling version: 1.2.3 (darwin arm64)
2024-04-09 16:09:36 DBG type is db-file
2024-04-09 16:09:36 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":true,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":-1}
2024-04-09 16:09:36 DBG using target options: {"header":true,"compression":"AUTO","concurrency":7,"datetime_format":"auto","delimiter":",","format":"csv","max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"column_casing":"source"}
2024-04-09 16:09:36 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-04-09 16:09:36 DBG opened "postgres" connection (conn-postgres-bq4)
2024-04-09 16:09:37 INF reading from source database
2024-04-09 16:09:37 DBG select * from "analytics"."dim__dates"
2024-04-09 16:09:37 INF writing to target file system (sftp)
2024-04-09 16:09:37 DBG adding default private key (<redacted>/.ssh/id_rsa) as auth method for SFTP
2024-04-09 16:09:41 DBG closed "postgres" connection (conn-postgres-bq4)
2024-04-09 16:09:41 INF execution failed
~ failure running task (see docs @
--- task_run.go:101 func1 ---
--- task_run.go:300 runDbToFile ---
~ execution failed
--- task_run_write.go:39 WriteToFile ---
~ Could not WriteToFile
--- fs.go:147 NewFileSysClientFromURLContext ---
~ Could not obtain client for: sftp
--- fs.go:120 NewFileSysClientContext ---
~ Error initiating File Sys Client
--- fs_sftp.go:33 Init ---
~ unable to connect to ssh server
--- fs_sftp.go:107 Connect ---
~ unable to connect to ssh server
--- ssh.go:107 Connect ---
ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey password], no supported methods remain
flarco commented 2 months ago

Was able to reproduce, thanks for reporting. Fixed here: in v1.2.4. Feel free to build & test. Closing.