slingdata-io / sling-cli

Sling is a CLI tool that extracts data from a source storage/database and loads it in a target storage/database.
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Behaviour differs between xlsx and csv-files #429

Closed skostrewa closed 2 weeks ago

skostrewa commented 2 weeks ago

Issue Description

source: LOCAL
target: DWH

  custom_schema_name: raw_xls

  mode: full-refresh
  object: "{custom_schema_name}.{stream_file_name}"
    format: xlsx
    pre_sql: 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{custom_schema_name}"."{stream_file_name}" CASCADE;'

      sheet: "abcdef!A2:B"
      '*': string

2024-10-30 10:28:42 INF Sling Replication Completed in 2s | LOCAL -> DWH | 1 Successes | 0 Failures

- CSV Replication Configuration: 

source: LOCAL
target: DWH

  custom_schema_name: 'raw_mig_board'

  mode: full-refresh
  object: "{custom_schema_name}.{target_table}"
    format: csv
    pre_sql: 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{custom_schema_name}"."{target_table}" CASCADE;'

# letzte spalte soll "wert" heißen und vom datentyp float sein
    object: cube_kostenrechnung_ist

2024-10-30 10:28:42 INF Sling Replication Completed in 2s | LOCAL -> DWH | 1 Successes | 0 Failures

PS D:\linkFISH\Projects\sling\base_ingestion> sling run -r .\migration_cubes.yml -d 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG opened "file" connection (conn-file-w7n) 2024-10-30 10:29:53 INF Sling Replication | LOCAL -> DWH | file://D:/Data/Board/Cubes/V0050001.csv 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG Sling version: (2024-10-28) (windows amd64) 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG type is file-db 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG using: {"columns":null,"mode":"full-refresh","transforms":null} 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG using source options: {"trim_space":false,"empty_as_null":true,"header":true,"fields_per_rec":-1,"compression":"auto","format":"csv","null_if":"NULL","datetime_form at":"AUTO","skip_blank_lines":false,"max_decimals":-1} 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"auto","file_max_rows":0,"max_decimals":-1,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"adjust_column_type":false,"column_casing ":"source","pre_sql":"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"raw_mig_board\".\"cube_kostenrechnung_ist\" CASCADE;"} 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG opened "postgres" connection (conn-postgres-feg) 2024-10-30 10:29:53 INF connecting to target database (postgres) 2024-10-30 10:29:53 INF reading from source file system (file) 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG opened "file" connection (conn-file-IZQ) 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG reading single datastream from file://D:/Data/Board/Cubes/V0050001.csv [format=csv] 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG merging csv readers of 1 files [concurrency=3] from file://D:/Data/Board/Cubes/V0050001.csv 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG processing reader from file://D:/Data/Board/Cubes/V0050001.csv 2024-10-30 10:29:53 DBG delimiter auto-detected: "\t" 2024-10-30 10:29:54 INF writing to target database [mode: full-refresh] 2024-10-30 10:29:54 INF executing pre-sql 2024-10-30 10:29:54 DBG DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "raw_mig_board"."cube_kostenrechnung_ist" CASCADE 2024-10-30 10:29:54 DBG drop table if exists "raw_bc"."cube_kostenrechnung_ist" 2024-10-30 10:29:54 DBG table "raw_bc"."cube_kostenrechnung_ist" dropped 2024-10-30 10:29:54 DBG create table if not exists "raw_bc"."cube_kostenrechnung_ist" ("kostenstelle_ukc" text, "konto" text, "buchungsart" text, "monat" bigint, "betragkostenrechnung" numeric, "_sling_loaded_at" timestamptz) 2024-10-30 10:29:54 INF created table "raw_bc"."cube_kostenrechnung_ist" 2024-10-30 10:29:54 INF streaming data (direct insert) 2s 237,716 125876 r/s 15 MB | 37% MEM | 73% CPU 2024-10-30 10:29:57 DBG select count(*) cnt from "raw_bc"."cube_kostenrechnung_ist" 3s 364,193 204984 r/s 24 MB | 37% MEM | 55% CPU 2024-10-30 10:29:57 INF inserted 446649 rows into raw_bc."cube_kostenrechnung_ist" in 3 secs [118,059 r/s] 2024-10-30 10:29:57 INF execution succeeded

2024-10-30 10:29:58 INF Sling Replication Completed in 4s | LOCAL -> DWH | 1 Successes | 0 Failures

flarco commented 2 weeks ago

I can't reproduce on my mac. Where is it getting raw_bc from? the env.yaml?

It's kinda strange if it's picking up from the env.yaml at all, since it needs to be explicitly defined (and you are not). You'd need to do custom_schema_name : ${custom_schema_name} to pick up from variables in env.yaml. See, this part:

  # ${path_prefix} pulls from environment variables in sling process or env
  path_prefix: '${path_prefix}' # From env.yaml (not in Environment)
  start_date: '${START_DATE}'   # From Environment
  end_date: '${END_DATE}'       # From Environment

See the variable keys from env.yaml are simply loaded into the process' environment variables, so it's available at runtime, as an environment variable. It shouldn't be automatically injected into the replication "memory space" if that makes sense. You should have to explicitly define it.

skostrewa commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah, i forgot to mention that raw_bc is indeed defined in the env.yml.

Im not sure if i understand you correctly:

It's kinda strange if it's picking up from the env.yaml at all, since it needs to be explicitly defined (and you are not).

you mean the schema raw_bc? this is set at the connection-level in my env.yml

    type: postgres
    host: localhost
    user: ...
    password: ...
    port: 5432
    database: dwh
    sslmode: disable
    schema: raw_bc

replication.yml (db to db - everything working as expected):

source: BusinessCentral
target: DWH

  mode: full-refresh
  object: '{target_schema}.{stream_table}' # changing '{target_schema}' will affect the schema being created -> 'abc' means all streams are inserted into schema 'abc'
    pre_sql: 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{target_schema}"."{target_table}" CASCADE;'


  dbo."{Mandant}$G_L Account${GUID}":
    object: '"G_L Account"'

replication.yml (xlsx to db - everything works as expected, too):

source: LOCAL
target: DWH
# note the variable being declared at the top and used in defaults.object
# again changing this string here or set a string under defaults.object will affect the resulting schema
  custom_schema_name: raw_xls

  mode: full-refresh
  # again one could change '{custom_schema_name}' here and the streams would be affected
  object: "{custom_schema_name}.{stream_file_name}"
    format: xlsx
    pre_sql: 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{custom_schema_name}"."{stream_file_name}" CASCADE;'

      sheet: "Kontenplan Umsetzung!I2:J"
      '*': string

replication.yml (csv to db - does not work as expected):

source: LOCAL
target: DWH

  custom_schema_name: raw_mig_board

  mode: full-refresh
  # even though very similar the schema will always be 'raw_bc', not what is defined at the top or put here
  object: "{custom_schema_name}.{target_table}"
    format: csv
    pre_sql: 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{custom_schema_name}"."{target_table}" CASCADE;'

    object: cube_kostenrechnung_ist
      monat: string(10)

You'd need to do custom_schema_name : ${custom_schema_name} to pick up from variables in env.yaml.

i don't want to pass a variable from my env.yml to the replication.yml. I want to define a variable in my replication.yml and use it. i want to mimic the behaviour of the seconds replication (setting the schema to be precise) to the third.

Im confused how sling behaves so differently when there are virtually no changes. i hope this message is helpful and you can shed some light.

flarco commented 2 weeks ago

Ah ok, it's the connection schema, I was off-track then. Ok, probably some bug.

flarco commented 2 weeks ago

Oh you know what, your object is cube_kostenrechnung_ist doesn't have a schema. That's why, sling fills that in.


Did you mean to override that default object "{custom_schema_name}.{target_table}"? Maybe not a bug then, haha

skostrewa commented 2 weeks ago

I, of course, did not mean to override the default object. Thank you very much for your quick support!