slint-ui / slint

Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript apps.
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New separator line widget #5931

Open Enyium opened 3 weeks ago

Enyium commented 3 weeks ago

In my app, I have a GroupBox, and inside of it a GridBox with labels, check boxes and text boxes. Some check boxes have colspan: 2, so are alone on the row. Because the last check box isn't persisted with the rest of the GroupBox's settings and is only in the GroupBox because it's functionally related, I thought that a separator line above the last check box would be appropriate.

Since a homemade Rectangle- or Path-based separator line may not look as sophisticated in every widget style/theme, and this use case should be easy as pie for the user, a new simple widget may be justified - possibly named Separator or SeparatorLine.

Prior art: HTML's <hr> and Markdown's ---.

Enyium commented 2 weeks ago

This is my take on it:

component SeparatorLine {
    in property <Orientation> orientation: horizontal;

    property <length> overall-thickness: max(10px, 1phx);
    property <length> line-thickness: max(1.2px, 1phx);

    states [
        horizontal when orientation == Orientation.horizontal : {
            root.min-height: root.overall-thickness;
            line-rectangle.height: root.line-thickness;

            line-rectangle.width: root.width;

            root.horizontal-stretch: 100%;
            root.vertical-stretch: 0%;

        vertical when orientation == Orientation.vertical : {
            root.min-width: root.overall-thickness;
            line-rectangle.width: root.line-thickness;

            line-rectangle.height: root.height;

            root.vertical-stretch: 100%;
            root.horizontal-stretch: 0%;

    line-rectangle := Rectangle {
        background: Palette.border;
        border-radius: root.line-thickness / 2;

Feel free to use the code as you wish.