slipset / deps-deploy

deploy your stuff
Eclipse Public License 1.0
148 stars 31 forks source link

Improve command line usability #1

Closed seancorfield closed 5 years ago

seancorfield commented 5 years ago

Having to type EDN at the command-line is a bit of a pain. How about having an alternative way to invoke -main that accepts three plain string arguments path/to/my.jar group-id/artifact-id x.y.z?

seancorfield commented 5 years ago

BTW, thanks for this tool -- it gets rid of the one last thing I currently still use Maven for!

slipset commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. During a good nights sleep, I was wondering if it would make sense to just parse the pom.xml instead? Most of this information is available in the pom, at least group-id/artifact-id and version?

I guess a main like (defn -main ([install-or-deploy artifact name version] ...) ([install-or-deploy artifact] ...)) could be a solution to this?

seancorfield commented 5 years ago

My current clj-based workflow upload is:

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=${1}.jar -DpomFile=pom.xml -DrepositoryId=clojars -Durl=

So mvn pulls the version and group/artifact IDs from pom.xml which is convenient insofar as I don't have to additionally specify them when uploading -- however, the only reason I create a pom.xml file in the first place is to provide a) version and group/artifact information for Maven and b) SCM and license information for Clojars itself.

The later has value -- and I'm not sure where deps-deploy would get that from otherwise?