Observers can set and recall static camera positions in each map, up to 9, using the number keys. They are positioned across the map, either as overhead map cameras, glamour shots, or useful points to teleport to when working as a multi-observer setup.
At the moment, some observers use a Google Sheets spreadsheet to create names for each camera on each map and use Companion to load up each name onto a separate button so it's more obvious which camera to go to. In conjunction with the Companion module, we could create a really interesting system here.
[ ] Simple import from existing sheets
Must be able to paste in an existing sheet of map and camera names from 1-9
Some conversion from map names to SLMN.GG map data
[ ] SLMN.GG Dashboard module to control it all
Revisit the table package? Doesn't need to be like a spreadsheet just because it imports from one.
Could be table-like, with names primarily and an advanced mode to show extra flags.
[ ] Observers must be able to swap the map that's currently active
[ ] Some selection on Companion is a must
[ ] Option to follow the current map from SLMN.GG, or use a custom override (for the system to work on external productions)
[ ] Expose currently playing map from SLMN.GG data to the companion module
[ ] Richer data about each camera
[ ] Flags to show overhead icons or objective markers automatically
Couple ways to do it, either with triggers or potentially have the companion module set states of buttons. May be trickier if the module can't create buttons with other connections' actions.
[ ] Category (overhead, spawn, glamour, point)
[ ] Feedback colour for categories
[ ] Companion boolean feedback to use in Companion triggers whether to show/hide those icons/objective markers
[ ] Show icons on buttons for circles/markers
[ ] Upload images (probably just allow URLs) to show the positions.
Observers can set and recall static camera positions in each map, up to 9, using the number keys. They are positioned across the map, either as overhead map cameras, glamour shots, or useful points to teleport to when working as a multi-observer setup.
At the moment, some observers use a Google Sheets spreadsheet to create names for each camera on each map and use Companion to load up each name onto a separate button so it's more obvious which camera to go to. In conjunction with the Companion module, we could create a really interesting system here.