sloanelybutsurely / typeid-elixir

Elixir implementation of TypeIDs: type-safe, K-sortable, and globally unique identifiers inspired by Stripe IDs
MIT License
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Automaticly generated ids don't appear to be k-sorted #31

Closed zolrath closed 1 week ago

zolrath commented 4 months ago

Hello, thank you very much for making this library!

I'm having an issue where it appears when I insert new rows into my database they are randomly sorted instead of utilizing the current time. I've got my schema set up with:

@primary_key {:id, TypeID, autogenerate: true, prefix: "client", type: :binary_id}
@foreign_key_type TypeID

As a test run, I created 6 new clients with a few seconds between each and the resulting primary keys (in order of generation) were:  



When selecting the entries from this table ordered by the id, they do not return in the correct order and start with extremely dissimilar beginnings.

Manually generated

In iex if I use"client") the generated ids appear more immediately sensible and are correctly sorted so something seems amiss when I allow Ecto to autogenerate them.

iex(80)>"client") #repeat this for each line below

I'm using: ecto 3.11.2 ecto_psql_extras 0.7.15 ecto_sql 3.11.1 typeid_elixir 0.6.0 phoenix 1.7.12 phoenix_ecto 4.5.1 postgrex 0.17.5 with Elixir 1.16.2 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 26)

Thanks again, let me know if you need any additional information!

zolrath commented 4 months ago

I've created a project exhibiting the issue here: Maybe there's something I'm missing/should be doing but if I attempt to use order_by like: Repo.all(from c in Client, order_by: [asc:]) the sorting becomes random and non sequential.

sloanelybutsurely commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. It looks like Ecto isn't calling TypeID.autogenerate/1 for some reason. I'll look into this further.

andrewtimberlake commented 1 week ago

It looks like the binary type change is causing problems with many_to_many relationships where the query generated is trying to cast the uuid to bytea which Postgresql won’t do

(Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42846 (cannot_coerce) cannot cast type uuid to bytea

sloanelybutsurely commented 1 week ago

Fixed by #32 and #34