sloede / academic-kickstart-demo

MIT License
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the website template is not rendered #1

Open ehosseiniasl opened 1 year ago

ehosseiniasl commented 1 year ago

@sloede I have build the website locally using academic-kickstart-demo when I run server locally, the template is rendering the website when I deploy on my host repository, and open the link, the template is not rendering the website

source repo:

193469117-291d85e3-2f4b-475f-9d4d-cc26b54a1cba (1)

host repo:

sloede commented 1 year ago

Hm, good question. I have not seen this issue before - maybe something is broken in the GitHub Actions that create the website?

In general, though, please note that the Academic Kickstart website does not seem to be officially supported anymore, instead, it is now provided by Wowchemy I find the docs rather confusing, especially, if you do not want to use the Netlify solution. But maybe it helps you to get started (you can always move from Netlify to your GitHub Pages only solution once your setup works).