sloisel / numeric

Numerical analysis in Javascript
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Numeric triggers many syntax warnings in Firefox 40 #65

Open jwmerrill opened 9 years ago

jwmerrill commented 9 years ago

Firefox 40 is currently the alpha/aurora/developer edition release. Loading numeric prints many warnings to the console of the form

SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:3:54
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:5:26
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:3:51
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:5:31
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:3:69
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:3:52
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:3:86
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:5:39
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:4:47
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:6:39
SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement numeric-1.2.6.js:4:32

Here's a jsbin that does nothing but include Numeric—you can open it in firefox 40 and check the console.

These are unfortunately not very easy to debug, because the line and column numbers appear to refer to generated code rather than the actual source of numeric.

aesedepece commented 8 years ago

As read in MDN:

Automatic Semicolon Insertion The return statement is affected by automatic semicolon insertion (ASI). No line terminator is allowed between the return keyword and the expression.

a + b;

is transformed by ASI into:

a + b;

Starting with Gecko 40 the console will warn "unreachable code after return statement".
