slok / sloth

🦥 Easy and simple Prometheus SLO (service level objectives) generator
Apache License 2.0
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Consider support the Bad metrics from OpenSLO #186

Open weyert opened 2 years ago

weyert commented 2 years ago

Recently the OpensLO added support to allow defining bad / totals metrics for SLO. See also this commit in OpensLO repo:

I was curious what's involved to add support for this into Sloth? Do you think this is achievable for someone who doesn't have any Go programming experience (me)?

slok commented 2 years ago

Hi @weyert!

Thanks for the update, we could add support indeed. You could give it a try indeed. I think that is not hard and a good exercise. I can point you to the place where this is happening (without telling you exactly so you can learn :smile:) and give it a shot.

If it's taking too much time or you are lost I can do it myself and explain the PR to you if you want.

For now...

weyert commented 2 years ago

Thank you, @slok. Sounds like a plan!