slorber / scalable-frontend-with-elm-or-redux

An attempt to make Redux and Elm applications scale
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A fractal-component implementation which respects the open/closed principle #46

Open ghola opened 5 years ago

ghola commented 5 years ago

Changes to the fractal-lcomponent implementation so it respects the open/closed principle. More details about them are present in #45.

@t83714 It's not functional, but you can clearly see the intent. I have encountered several issues:

  1. I thought I could do without ActionForwarders, but aside from publishing the actions in the global namespace, there seems to be no way a component can listen to them if they are not forwarded. Maybe some of the forwarder functionality built into the component would help (something like the allowedIncomingMulticastActionTypes array which would allow you also specify the namespace you want to listen to).
  2. Adding two forwarders for the same namespace but for different actions seems to forward the same action twice. An example of this is randomGifActionTypes.TOGGLED_ON which gets dispatched once by the ToggleButton component, and then an additional 2 times by the forwarder (when it should be just once by the forwarder).
  3. Forwarding randomGifActionTypes.NEW_GIF actions with relativeDispatchPath="../App/*" results in an error:
    TypeError: taker[_redux_saga_symbols__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.MATCH] is not a function
    at redux-saga-core.esm.js:309
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at put (redux-saga-core.esm.js:308)
    at redux-saga-core.esm.js:937
    at exec (redux-saga-core.esm.js:31)
    at flush (redux-saga-core.esm.js:74)
    at asap (redux-saga-core.esm.js:46)
    at runPutEffect (redux-saga-core.esm.js:933)
    at runEffect (redux-saga-core.esm.js:793)
    at digestEffect (redux-saga-core.esm.js:870) ""
    log @ chunk-70f0280b.js:199
    logError @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:1299
    end @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:757
    abort @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:497
    task$$1.cont @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:512
    end @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:766
    abort @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:497
    task$$1.cont @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:512
    end @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:766
    abort @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:497
    task$$1.cont @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:512
    end @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:766
    abort @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:497
    task$$1.cont @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:512
    next @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:731
    currCb @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:840
    (anonymous) @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:939
    exec @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:31
    flush @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:74
    asap @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:46
    runPutEffect @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:933
    runEffect @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:793
    digestEffect @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:870
    next @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:717
    currCb @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:840
    Promise.then (async)
    resolvePromise @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:884
    runCallEffect @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:964
    runEffect @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:793
    digestEffect @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:870
    next @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:717
    currCb @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:840
    (anonymous) @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:946
    exec @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:31
    flush @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:74
    asap @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:46
    chan.put @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:343
    (anonymous) @ redux-saga-core.esm.js:1393
    dispatch @ VM11265:1
    dispatch @ fractal-component.esm.js:845
    onClick @ index.js:88
    callCallback @ react-dom.development.js:145
    invokeGuardedCallbackDev @ react-dom.development.js:195
    invokeGuardedCallback @ react-dom.development.js:248
    invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError @ react-dom.development.js:262
    executeDispatch @ react-dom.development.js:593
    executeDispatchesInOrder @ react-dom.development.js:615
    executeDispatchesAndRelease @ react-dom.development.js:713
    executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel @ react-dom.development.js:724
    forEachAccumulated @ react-dom.development.js:694
    runEventsInBatch @ react-dom.development.js:855
    runExtractedEventsInBatch @ react-dom.development.js:864
    handleTopLevel @ react-dom.development.js:4857
    batchedUpdates$1 @ react-dom.development.js:17498
    batchedUpdates @ react-dom.development.js:2189
    dispatchEvent @ react-dom.development.js:4936
    interactiveUpdates$1 @ react-dom.development.js:17553
    interactiveUpdates @ react-dom.development.js:2208
    dispatchInteractiveEvent @ react-dom.development.js:4913
    14:36:28.075 chunk-70f0280b.js:199 The above error occurred in task bound _callee
    created by takeEvery(, bound _callee)
    created by forwardNamespacedAction
    created by bound hostSaga
    Tasks cancelled due to error:
    takeEvery(, bound _callee)

Anyway, you can fix it if you think it's worth it. My goal was only to exemplify the ideas discussed in #45, so I will not continue developing this example.

I was mentioning a change in business rules so we can see how solutions adapt to that. Here are some possible rule changes:

  1. You need 2 ToggleButtons and only when they are both active will the counter increment by 2 as per the original business rule. So instead of 1 Button now you have 2 and the condition that they are both active.
  2. We keep a single ToggleButton, same logic as in the original business rule but you add the fact that you need to increase Counter by 3 (instead of 2) if the ToggleButton has been clicked more than 5 times and the button is Active.

Assume that your components are published as NPM modules. In your implementation you need to make changes to them in order to implement the above business rules. In my implementation you don't, you only need to make changes to the App component which is not published to NPM.

t83714 commented 5 years ago

Hi @ghola, Thanks a lot for your code~ It definitely helps to understand your idea better 👍

1> Regarding the TypeError error that you encountered, I think the problem is around the following lines (in your App saga):

     yield effects.takeEvery(
        function*() {
            this.isToggledOn = false;

ToggleButtonActionTypes.TOGGLED_OFF is undefined as TOGGLED_OFF wasn't exported from ToggleButton/index.js

Having said that, either fractal-component or redux-saga should give user a more clear error message. I've updated fractal-component for this.

2> While looking into your issue, I discovered a compatible issue with redux-saga v1.0.0-beta.3. I updated fractal-component for that as well.

You probably won't be impacted by this issue as redux-saga v1.0.0-beta.3 was just out two days ago.

3> You don't need to rely on ActionForwarders to dispatch events and components don't need to explicitly listen to any actions sources as actions deliver scope has been defined by the two piece information when you dispatch actions:

A multicast action won't be delivered to every components in your app (as it's not efficient and causing a lot of problems). Instead, multicast actions are passed down along the namespace tree branch starting from the namespace node determined by the relativeDispatchPath--- more details can be found from:


Adding two forwarders for the same namespace but for different actions seems to forward the same action twice. An example of this is randomGifActionTypes.TOGGLED_ON which gets dispatched once by the ToggleButton component, and then an additional 2 times by the forwarder (when it should be just once by the forwarder).

It seems randomGifActionTypes.TOGGLED_ON is undefined as well. TOGGLED_ON is not exported from randomGif/index.js.


I was mentioning a change in business rules so we can see how solutions adapt to that. Here are some possible rule changes:

  1. You need 2 ToggleButtons and only when they are both active will the counter increment by 2 as per the original business rule. So instead of 1 Button now you have 2 and the condition that they are both active.
  2. We keep a single ToggleButton, same logic as in the original business rule but you add the fact that you need to increase Counter by 3 (instead of 2) if the ToggleButton has been clicked more than 5 times and the button is Active.

I like the two scenarios you described here. It does provide more useful sample cases for more discussion around this area 😄

Regarding your solution, it seems it move some logic out to App level. I think we probably look for a solution of encapsulating logic into components. You can argue that having a flat stucture app (i.e. lift up all state & logic to top level & make all component are presental only) can adapt any changes in any scenarios. However, we also end up having no reusable component.

To be honest, I think for component encapsulation, most important thing is to try making no assumption of outside world.

It's probably OK that an encapsulated component can't meet everyone's need (or any changes) as it's supposed to be reused for a certain purpose. If a user finds a component can't meet his requirement, he probably can ask the component author to update the component to accomodate the new logic. If it's too hard, we probbaly need a new component --- at end of the day, we probably can't expect one component solve all problems. On the other hand, a solution can cope with any logics in this context probably would be an app with no encapsulated code.

Having said that, I am still quite interested in the two scenarios you've described above. Are you able to demostrate a solution that:

ghola commented 5 years ago

Hey @t83714, thank you for the hints on the errors I encountered. Not using TypeScript sure makes one's life harder.

3> I understand how actions get published down the namespace tree (it's an entire discussion whether this is a harmful or a beneficial limitation). I also agree with you should throw the action just out of the your component (as per your comments in the code). That's why I kept the original relativeDispatchPath (yield effects.put(actions.newGif(), "../../../*"); for all components and that's why I said that I have to use the ActionForwarder because otherwise there was no way I could hook into those actions due to the level they were thrown at.

Given the way fractal-components works, I believe it may be even dangerous to throw the action higher in the namespace tree, mostly because your component has no idea how deep it is, so it can't know how many slashes to add.

One alternative would be just throwing it in the global namespace, but I think that should be avoided as well. Thinking in terms of RabbitMQ topics for a bit here, you can publish messages on a distinct topic/exchange and only interested parties will subscribe and receive them. Throwing them in the global topic is just pollution, especially when you might have difficulties distinguishing between message types (I know Symbol ensures uniqueness, but when you look in your redux dev tools at the actions, you'll still be confused).

In the end, that's why I suggested that a component should be able to subscribe to messages from a different namespace without resorting to using the ActionForwarder.


Regarding your solution, it seems it move some logic out to App level. I think we probably look for a solution of encapsulating logic into components. You can argue that having a flat stucture app (i.e. lift up all state & logic to top level & make all component are presental only) can adapt any changes in any scenarios. However, we also end up having no reusable component.

Imagine you have a chat application which is composed of a left side panel which lists the users and a right panel which displays the conversation with the currently selected user (very similar to Whatsapp for desktop). When you receive a new message for a user which is not the one you're currently chatting with, you need to display the number of unread messages next to the user's icon. Let's also assume that it's the right panel doing the checking/loading of all the messages and can display the current conversation for the user being passed via props. The right panel component needs to notify the left side panel of the messages as they arrive, so the side panel can display those bubbles next to the user's icon. Also, it needs to notify the side panel when the messages get read (maybe there are many messages and they get read as the right panel gets scrolled). These two can be pretty independent components, siblings at application level, but they need to communicate. In this contrived example the communication is one way, but it could be two way as well. You'd still need some glue code and some state at application level, but doing that would not produce a flat structure app.

The two components representing the left and side panel would not be dumb at all, but they need to publish events to the outside world so others get a chance to react to them. It doesn't mean you lose encapsulation. It's like publishing events at the border of a domain context in DDD.

I cannot demonstrate a solution that encapsulates ALL logic into components. The "App" component is a forced one and is only there because it reduces friction with the framework (fractal-components). I don't believe that such a solution can exist, afterall that's what I'm militating against. I don't think that should be a goal worth pursuing. We all like symmetry and uniformity, but it's impractical to build your application with a single pattern. There is no pattern to rule them all.

I will make the PR to a different directory as you asked.

ghola commented 5 years ago

@t83714 Made it fully functional and made the push to the fractal-component-with-app-state directory.

ghola commented 5 years ago

@t83714 On more thing regarding raising the state up to App level. That's not really necessary. The business logic here is only concerned with how the Counter component performs. This means we could make a CounterWrapper HOC which does all that forwarding/listening to events from other components. Whether such a component would be publishable as an NPM module, is debatable. I would say it's not because it's implementing very specific business rules.

This argument is just to counter the uneasiness you may have from having the state lifted all the way up to App level, if any.

t83714 commented 5 years ago

Hi @ghola, Thanks for your update & sorry for my late reply 😭 Your code now runs smoothly~ Good job on that~ 👍 1> Regarding your concerns of dispatch / forward actions, I think in fractal-component you usually can control action dispatch by the following ways:

2> By looking at your code, the counter component saga looks like doesn't play too much role as main logic has been moved to App. Why not convert it into a pure presentational component?

3> I am very interested in the a chat application use case you've mentioned. Is it the two-way communication an obstacle to encapsulate the logic? Will event / action model not suffient for this? Any chance you can share some examples around any potential issues?
