sloria / TextBlob

Simple, Pythonic, text processing--Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, translation, and more.
MIT License
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Questions about Copilot + Open Source Software Hierarchy #433

Closed liaochris closed 3 months ago

liaochris commented 3 months ago

Hi! My name is Chris and I'm writing a thesis on Open Source Software. I'm trying to collect/validate my data and I have two questions for the maintainers of this project. 1) Did this project receive free github copilot access on June 2022? 2) My thesis is especially focused on understanding hierarchical structures. Would it be possible to share a list of individuals in this project with triage/write/maintain/admin access in this project? I understand this may be confidential information, so please feel free to share it with

Happy to chat further if you have questions, and thank you for your time!

sloria commented 3 months ago
  1. not that i know of
  2. i am currently the only maintainer. you can see a list of contributors in the AUTHORs file