slothfulxtx / MBPTrack3D

[ICCV2023] MBPTrack: Improving 3D Point Cloud Tracking with Memory Networks and Box Priors
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Checkpoints for Waymo dataset #8

Closed MaxTeselkin closed 11 months ago

MaxTeselkin commented 11 months ago

Hi! There are checkpoints for KITTI and NuScenes in google drive link which you provided in README, but there aren't checkpoints for Waymo dataset. Are you planning to open-source them?

slothfulxtx commented 11 months ago

hi, we only test the generalization ability of MBPTrack with pretrained models on KITTI, as described in our paper image Thus, we donot train our model from scratch using Waymo data. You can just load the kitti ckpt to reproduce the performance on waymo.