slovely / TypeScriptDefinitionsGenerator

Generate TypeScript .d.ts files for your server classes, plus optionally create client-side interfaces for WebAPI / SignalR server implementations
MIT License
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Allow multiple assemblies to be processed #6

Closed slovely closed 7 years ago

slovely commented 7 years ago

Currently only one input assembly can be specified. We should update to allow one or more to be specified in the TsGenerator.props file and create types for each assembly.

slovely commented 7 years ago

Implemented in nuget package version 1.0.29.

NOTE - this is a breaking change to the TsGenerator.props file, previously TsGenInputAssembly was an MSBuild property, but is now an MSBuild list, so it must be changed from:



  <TsGenInputAssembly Include="..\MyAssembly\bin\$(ConfigurationName)\MyAssembly.dll"></TsGenOutputFolder