slovely / TypeScriptDefinitionsGenerator

Generate TypeScript .d.ts files for your server classes, plus optionally create client-side interfaces for WebAPI / SignalR server implementations
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Add support for Aurelia compatible WebAPI stubs #8

Closed slovely closed 6 years ago

slovely commented 6 years ago

When using Aurelia, I'd like the generated actions.ts to look something like this:

import {autoinject} from "aurelia-dependency-injection";
import {HttpClient} from "aurelia-fetch-client";

export class Person {
    constructor(private http: HttpClient) {

    public getThePerson(id: string, ajaxOptions: RequestInit = null)
        : PromiseLike<SampleApp.Models.Person> {
        const options: RequestInit = { method: "POST"};
        if (ajaxOptions) {
            Object.assign(options, ajaxOptions);
        return this
            .fetch("api/person/getThePerson/" + id, options)
            .then(response => response.json());

That way, a service that can call the WebAPI can be injected in like:

import Actions = require("../server/actions");
export class MyViewModel {
    constructor(personControllerService: Actions.Person) {
            .then(p => {
               // 'p' will now be of type: "SampleApp.Models.Person"