slovnicki / beamer

A routing package built on top of Router and Navigator's pages API, supporting arbitrary nested navigation, guards and more.
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Nested beamer route stops keyboard to open in landscape view #625

Open F7085 opened 1 year ago

F7085 commented 1 year ago

The issue is present in a tablet device in landscape mode. in my home screen I'm using a nested route to show different screens, at the moment that i tried to open the keyboard for some reason the nested route is stopping it to open.

This is the body of my home screen

 body: Beamer(
        key: beamerKey,
        routerDelegate: BeamerDelegate(
            transitionDelegate: const NoAnimationTransitionDelegate(),
            locationBuilder: (routeInformation, _) {
              if (routeInformation.location!.contains('tickets')) {
                return TicketsLocation(routeInformation);
              } else if (routeInformation.location!.contains('movements')) {
                return MovementsLocation(routeInformation);
              } else if (routeInformation.location!.contains('orders')) {
                return OrdersLocation(routeInformation);
              return ManagementLocation(routeInformation);

this is the way that i show the dialog that I'm currently working, is located in the app bar of my home screen

                  onTap: () {
                    Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 0), () {
                        context: context,
                        builder: (dialogContext) => BlocProvider(
                          create: (dialogContext) => WebUpdateStoresCubit(
                          child: AddStoresModal(context: dialogContext),
                        animationType: DialogTransitionType.scale,
                        curve: Curves.ease,
                        duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
                  value: 'stores',
                  child: const Row(
                    children: [
                      Icon(, color:,
                      SizedBox(width: 8),

I tried removing all the widgets that i have in my screen and the issue is still present but at the moment to remove the nested route the keyboard opens normally, I also tried with another dialog that works fine in another screen that dosent have a nested route , i put it in the first screen of the nested route and in the home appBar and it didn't work

emmanuellmota commented 12 months ago

I have same issue. Anyone managed to solve this? Thanks

F7085 commented 11 months ago

I have same issue. Anyone managed to solve this? Thanks did you find a way to solve it? o you try another approach

talski commented 5 months ago

I've got it working wrapping the nested Beamer widget with a FocusScope.

  child: Beamer(
    routerDelegate: beamerDelegate,