slovnicki / beamer

A routing package built on top of Router and Navigator's pages API, supporting arbitrary nested navigation, guards and more.
MIT License
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[Problem] Using BeamGuards with sibling BeamLocations #629

Open chauss opened 11 months ago

chauss commented 11 months ago

Beamer version: 1.5.6

Situation I am using a BottomNavigationBar that has currently two items. The first HomeLocation has content that is open to all users, the second UserLocation is kind of the user profile section and has a BeamerGuard set to guard all behind the LoginPage. Code: Locations Those two locations are siblings, just as in the BottomNavigationBar Example. They are both added to a Stack that then decides which one to display depending on the current urlPath and the interaction of the user (click on the bottomNavigationBar). Code: AppScreen with Stack Code: BeamerDelegate-Configuration The defaultRoute for the UserLocation is the url to the "MyRecipes"-Page in the app that is being guarded.

Problem When one opens the application as a guest (not logged in) with a urlPath that leads to the HomeLocation (eg. /home/overview) the application loads both sibling BeamLocations with their initialPath if not changed by the given url. So the HomeLocation is loading: /home/overview And the UserLocation is loading: /user/myRecipes which is guarded and since the user is not logged in the BeamGuard activates and says "no you won't go to /user/myRecipes, you go to /login" and it beamsToNamed = /login.

That beamToNamed in the BeamGuard now overwrites the current urlPath of the user even though the user actually is in the HomeLocation where he/she can be freely without login. So initially going to a page via urlPath it always goes to /login when no user is logged in.

So what I kind of need is a way to protect the one sibling path of the navigation without affecting the user as long as he/she is on the "free for all" path of the navigation.

Am I doing something crucially wrong or do any of you have a proper solution on how to solve this issue?

I'm glad for any help!