slovnicki / beamer

A routing package built on top of Router and Navigator's pages API, supporting arbitrary nested navigation, guards and more.
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[QUESTION] How can I keep the bottom navigation bar for some pages which are not directly in the index stack #651

Open iammuho opened 6 months ago

iammuho commented 6 months ago

Hey everyone,

First of all thank you a lot for this amazing package, it's so clear and work flawless. But I believe, I couldn't solve a problem.

Example I've copied:

Let's assume, I've 2 pages in the bottom navigation bar and these pages lists books (imagine home page and discovery page) and when I go to book detail page from whichever I want to keep the active bottom index + bottom navigation in the book detail page.

As you can understand, books screen/location is not in the bottom bar.

If I need to make it much clear;

class AppLocationBuilder extends BeamLocation<BeamState> {
  AppLocationBuilder({RouteInformation? routeInformation})
      : super(routeInformation);
  List<String> get pathPatterns => ['/app'];

  List<BeamPage> buildPages(BuildContext context, BeamState state) {
    return [
      const BeamPage(
        key: ValueKey('app'),
        title: 'App',
        name: 'app',
        child: AppScreen(initialIndex: 0),

and In the AppScreen;

final routerDelegates = [
      initialPath: '/home',
      locationBuilder: (routeInformation, _) {
        if (routeInformation.location!.contains('topic')) {
          return TopicLocationBuilder(routeInformation: routeInformation);
        return HomeLocationBuilder(routeInformation: routeInformation);
    // Discover
      initialPath: '/discover',
      locationBuilder: (routeInformation, _) {
        if (routeInformation.location!.contains('topic')) {
          return TopicLocationBuilder(routeInformation: routeInformation);
        return DiscoverLocationBuilder(routeInformation: routeInformation);

So how can I move forward with the books locations so when a user clicks books/detail/1 whichever the page, I'll keep the state and bottom bar.

best regards