slovnicki / beamer

A routing package built on top of Router and Navigator's pages API, supporting arbitrary nested navigation, guards and more.
MIT License
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❓ Current state of the Beamer package ❓ #659

Closed Sten435 closed 3 months ago

Sten435 commented 4 months ago

It appears that there have been no recent updates to this package. Are there any plans for future developments, or is it possible that this package will be discontinued? Should we consider transitioning to go_router or a similar alternative to ensure continued support and maintenance?

Best regards,

slovnicki commented 3 months ago

Hey @Sten435, that's a valid question and I understand the concern.

Short answer: Yes, Beamer is still being maintained.

Long answer: It's been hard to keep up with everything lately alongside work and life. I'm definitely not as active here as I would like to be and as I was couple of years ago when it all started.

Nevertheless, I've been actively using Beamer in all my old and new projects and haven't encountered any major problems. I have encountered a lot of opportunities where we can improve the API and core logic. That is something I'm very eager to introduce and announce version 2, but there's a lot of work and it's hard to get started.

As can be seen in latest releases, I am seeing and pushing things that are crucial, but unfortunately didn't have time to engage in non-critical topics at this point. This is also due to new v2 ideas that should make all current problems void. Alongside v2 release, there will be a huge article series explaining all routing approaches and how to handle them with Beamer.

I would like to be able to promise some release date for v2, but doing so in the past has failed (e.g. v2 Roadmap, which I planned to be done last year).

The good news is I've sorted out a lot of important work and life related things and am now at a very consistent and stable place. This means I am able to think and work on Beamer consistently too. I've started brainstorming and engineering some new v2 ideas with @lenzpaul (to whom I promise that we'll have BeamStack finally this weekend + a new, expanded, example I figured we need to work on, which will be the core of everything related to v2) and things are definitely looking brighter.

I again apologize to everyone for inconvenience, but unfortunately life is hard and unpredictable. And of course, everyone is welcome to help us get to v2 faster. The best way to do so is joining Beamer Discord and expressing your willingness to contribute or sponsoring the project.