slowkow / CENTIPEDE.tutorial

:bug: How to use CENTIPEDE to determine if a transcription factor is bound.
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Error at FIMO --parse-genomic-coord #7

Closed rbronste closed 7 years ago

rbronste commented 7 years ago


I was attempting the tutorial and got all the way through to parsing with FIMO the sequences within the peaks that match the PWM. However when I entered the command:

fimo --text --parse-genomic-coord $meme $dnase_fasta | gzip > $sites

I received back the following message many times over, seemingly for all of the contents:

Warning: ? is not a valid character in DNA alphabet. Converting ? to N.

Once I entered zcat $sites | head to look at the sites it just gave back the header,

pattern name sequence name start stop strand score p-value q-value matched sequence

The only other issue I encountered is at an earlier step where I was informed that hg19.fa did not have an index file associated with it so I used samtools faidx to create one. I am not sure if this led to the later issues.

I followed the tutorial exactly, using all of the same files. If there are any thoughts on what may have happened it would really be appreciated, thank you.
