slowlydev / f1-dash

A real-time F1 dashboard
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Adjustable window layout #77

Open random-yang opened 3 months ago

random-yang commented 3 months ago

It would be great if these parts can be adjust.

slowlydev commented 3 months ago

Yeah I also thought about it... In v2 I am planning to implement a future where the user can open the map, leaderboard, weather and more in new windows and customise their setup across multiple screens. Would that cover your future request? Or how would you like to see this being implemented?

Aarekaz commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I think that is what he means and I also had something similar in my mind. If you want help with UI, let me know I can help design figure out something so you don't have to think too much.

slowlydev commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I think that is what he means and I also had something similar in my mind. If you want help with UI, let me know I can help design figure out something so you don't have to think too much.

Sorry saw this a bit late, I already started something on v2, check out the current implementation under windows in the most top bar, maybe you have some improvement ideas.

And after some weeks I am also thinking that I want to add the idea from @random-yang, and I imagine it iOS home screen app rearrangement and widget stack customisation.

Aarekaz commented 2 months ago

Yup! I can help you design it out simply. Can I message you in discord/iMessage somewhere?

slowlydev commented 2 months ago

Yes discord username is slowlydev, I was thinking of opening a discord server anyways, to improve the feedback flow (I can't ask questions on my own small platform and not everyone is a dev and has GitHub) And the users would have a platform to chat during the race.

Aarekaz commented 2 months ago

Awesome, just sent you a request in discord. I have the same username. I can help setup discord/manage it as well as help in the general non main dev stuff. Chat with you there.

slowlydev commented 1 month ago

@random-yang how are you liking the new v2 windows, does this close this Issue/Feature Request?

random-yang commented 1 month ago

@random-yang how are you liking the new v2 windows, does this close this Issue/Feature Request?

It's much better! Great job.