slsys / Gateway

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Any RoadMap, for example implementation of for din rail or support relay by I2c bus #105

Open dmitry-rivlin-vrp opened 3 years ago

dmitry-rivlin-vrp commented 3 years ago

Do you have any roadMap for your product? I think will be great to use this SLS gateway on DIN rail. Also will be good to use DIN Relay for manage for example all lamps from 1 place

Avenitos commented 3 years ago

there is already an SLS din mini modular gateway, you can choose radio modules and IO modules. There are already options with integration of 1-Wire/OpenTherm, DALI, Analog output, Digital INPUT / OUTPUT

dmitry-rivlin-vrp commented 3 years ago

Great. As i understand by this link this module don't have external antenna, is this possible to implement?

Avenitos commented 3 years ago

yes, you can connect any external u.fl/ipex antenna there