slugbyte / lackluster.nvim

a delightful and customizable mostly monochrome colorscheme thats soft on the eyes and supports treesitter, lsp, and heaps of neovim plugins.
MIT License
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Bright telescope picker #15

Closed 0xricksanchez closed 1 month ago

0xricksanchez commented 1 month ago

Hi, firstly great theme! I just added this to AstroNvim for everybody to try! I'm encountering a small problem regarding the telescope picker. It appears to be very bright with the wrong colors for me:


slugbyte commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the bug report! And Wow thanks for adding lackluster to AstroNvim!

Can you try running hi clear in your config before you set the colorscheme and see if that fixes it?

-- lua config would look like this
vim.cmd("hi clear")

if that works I will try to make a patch soon :)

other than the telescope issue do you seem to more problems with how things look?

slugbyte commented 1 month ago

Also wondering does your terminal support true color? lackluster is a true color only color scheme... sorry I haven't put that in the readme yet.

You many need to check that your $TERM env var is set to screen-256color or xterm-256color

in zsh/bash rc file it would look like export TERM=screen-256color

0xricksanchez commented 1 month ago

For the sake of completeness. I'm using

That said, I just noticed something. Opening the telescope picker for finding files/grepping stuff does not exhibit the above shown behavior! It's only when being in the color scheme selection picker of telescope... The preview works fine with other color schemes, e.g. bamboo:


You can see that here, the bamboo theme preview matches what the theme is ultimately going to look like. This is the case for all the other themes I have available currently, except lackluster where this "Change color scheme"-telescope window turns white/black:


Again, the theme correctly updates as shown in the NVIM window below the telescope picker. So it's a weird interaction between the theme and the telescope color scheme selection? Not sure what's going on currently.

PS: Thanks for assisting and taking a look at this!

PPS: Running :lua vim.cmd("hi clear") before entering the telescope picker is not resolving the issue

slugbyte commented 1 month ago

Thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate your thoroughness in describing the issue, helps me alot. Also Glad that it seems to be working outside of the Telescope colorscheme picker :) This is my first colorscheme and I'm kinda just learning as I go.

I just tried to run require("telescope.builtin").colorscheme { enable_preview = true } which is what I found in the AstroNvim telescope config, and cannot seem to reproduce your bug... heres a clip I recored of telescope

I will look into it again tomorrow evening, hope to help you find a patch soon

I would also suggest running :Lazy update lackluster.nvim to double check your up to date, I made a few commits to main yesterday that where directly related to Telescope and I'm only sure that the current state of the main branch is working for me

0xricksanchez commented 1 month ago

Interesting! Thanks for the update. I’ll look into this more tomorrow. Seems like it’s something on my end then actually… if it is I’m sorry in advance for the noise here 😬😬

0xricksanchez commented 1 month ago

Ah I found my issue. It was actually a misconfiguration on my end. I had this snippet active in my config:

For some reason, it breaks the lackluster preview, but not others?

slugbyte commented 1 month ago

Nice find! Thanks for letting me know you found the source of the issue, :)

slugbyte commented 1 month ago

marking this as sovled :)