slugbyte / lackluster.nvim

a delightful and customizable mostly monochrome colorscheme thats soft on the eyes and supports treesitter, lsp, and heaps of neovim plugins.
MIT License
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Lualine active and inactive buffer have the same color #25

Closed wkwhwh closed 1 month ago

wkwhwh commented 1 month ago

Really loving the theme. I tend to use buffers instead of tabs for my lualine tabline but I noticed that there is no contrast between active and inactive

CleanShot 2024-06-04 at 09 53 05@2x

return {
  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,
  init = function()
    -- vim.cmd.colorscheme("lackluster")
    vim.cmd.colorscheme("lackluster-hack") -- my favorite
    -- vim.cmd.colorscheme("lackluster-mint")
return {
    dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },
    config = function()
        local lualine = require("lualine")
        lualine.setup {
            tabline = {
                lualine_a = { 'buffers' },
                lualine_b = {},
                lualine_c = {},
                lualine_x = {},
                lualine_y = {},
                lualine_z = {}
slugbyte commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the bug report! Glad to hear your enjoying the theme :)

I'll try and patch that later today!

slugbyte commented 1 month ago

I think the issue might be that you have not set your lackluster theme in your lualine setup() options.theme

I tested the following lualine config and got the screenshots produced below

  options = {
    theme = "lackluster",
  tabline = {
    lualine_a = {"buffers"}
    -- i also separately tested lualine_b and lualine_c see screenshots below

and then tabline with lualine_a looks like

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 19 23 30

and then tabline with lualine_b and lualine_c set to "buffers" booth look like

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 19 24 26

slugbyte commented 1 month ago

let me know it that fixes your issue :)

wkwhwh commented 1 month ago

my bad, I completely forgot I needed to add the theme option. It works perfectly!

slugbyte commented 1 month ago

sweeet! glad that worked, happy hackin!