slugbyte / lackluster.nvim

a delightful and customizable mostly monochrome colorscheme thats soft on the eyes and supports treesitter, lsp, and heaps of neovim plugins.
MIT License
96 stars 6 forks source link

tweaks not working #35

Closed amthius closed 3 weeks ago

amthius commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, really cool color scheme! However, it seems overriding the tweaks does not work at all for me.

NVIM v0.10.0 Windows 11


slugbyte commented 3 weeks ago

glad you like the scheme :) sorry bout the bug, I patch it asap!

slugbyte commented 3 weeks ago

Just took a look and the main branch seems to be working for me, try updating your plugin, this is probbly due to a patch I merged yesterday to fix typos everywhere in my codebase, #33, it changed tweek_syntax -> tweak_syntax and I made a patch that makes lackluster backwards compatable patch, but if you have an old version it wont know what tweak_syntax is... let me know if that fixes your bug :)

green comments Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11 46 18

amthius commented 3 weeks ago

Yep, that solved the problem! Silly me for not updating..

slugbyte commented 3 weeks ago

sweet! glad that worked :)