slugbyte / lackluster.nvim

a delightful and customizable mostly monochrome colorscheme thats soft on the eyes and supports treesitter, lsp, and heaps of neovim plugins.
MIT License
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suggestion: custom colors #45

Open JuanBaut opened 1 week ago

JuanBaut commented 1 week ago

Did you read the docs?

What would you like to change?

This is all personal opinion, I will list things in order of what I see as more important. I am also open to contribute and implement the things, although I am afraid I am a Lua beginner.

Why do you think this will improve lackluster?

I think those are changes that would allow lackluster to be more customizable and versatile, mostly because I think it is a great base grayscale color scheme to work on top of.

Additional context

No response

slugbyte commented 1 week ago

Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm glad you like the theme!

  1. Color Tweaks (Approved)

    • I have been thinking about implementing your first suggestion for a while, and If you want to give it a shot I would be happy to let you create the implementation!
      • I would want the config to accept a tweak_pallet section that only allows people to change the colors in lua/lackluster/color.lua
  2. EndOfFile tweaks (Need To Test Some Ideas and Think About this)

    • I think this is a reasonable change request, but I want to make some tests to see how I like it or if I think there should be some kind of toggle

    • for now if you want to manually set it

      -- run this after you set your colorscheme
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'EndOfBuffer', {fg = '#101010'}) 
  3. Diff Tweaks (Approved)

    • I initially had the theme.diff.change color as blue, but I found that when I enabled things like git signs, It created a lot of more blue than I wanted, so I switched it to gray6. Its a personal preference thing that I want most of the visual indicators to be gray unless there is a specific error, or something to be warned about.

    • Im open to a tweak_diff config enhancement If you are entrested in implamenting that your self > I would look at the way tweaks

Do you want to take a crack at implementing these you self? If not I am willing to do it, but Its going to take a while because I'm going to be moving house and then taking a bit of a vacation the next 3 weeks

slugbyte commented 1 week ago

I decided just hide EndOfBuffer By default, I thinks it looks nice and I think it reduces unnecessary noise, which is an overall goal for the theme :)

If you update lackluster it should be gone now :)

JuanBaut commented 6 days ago

Hey. I just updated and that's already much better, thanks. About the rest:

  1. tweak_palette: I can try to implement it next week, and we can improve it from there.
  2. EndOfBuffer: We can work on a toggle later on, although I have to say this already looks much better.
  3. tweak_diff: Yes, I agree it's just personal preference, so I think it's totally fine to keep it as is. As you said, we would have to make tweak_diff options, although I'm not totally sure if it's worth it.

I will be working on tweak_palette on Monday 1st. I guess the rest will be on the queue and up to revision.

slugbyte commented 6 days ago

Thanks so much! Let me know if you have any questions :)

slugbyte commented 6 days ago

I added some Todo Comments to help you figure out where to implement the tweak_pallet stuff. If you think they are wrong or incomplete just do what you thing works best, I just thought they might be helpful to get you started a little faster.

Just search for JuanBaut with telescope or grep to find them


slugbyte commented 5 days ago

I had some free time this morning so I went ahead and added a tweak_ui section to setup() that allows users to set enable_end_of_buffer = true and it will show the ~s as gray4 again (PR #49)

but end_of_buffer will still be disabled by default

JuanBaut commented 3 days ago

Hey dude, I checked the todos, I didnt have much time today, but most likely tomorrow I will be on it. Thank you for the todos and the toggle.

slugbyte commented 3 days ago

Heck yee dude :) take ur time!