slushjs / slush-angular

A slush generator for AngularJS using the Google Angular App Structure Recommendations
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Bower doesn't install packages?! #23

Closed rubik closed 9 years ago

rubik commented 9 years ago

During the initial scaffolding (slush angular) I see these warnings:

[slush] Scaffolding done
[11:59:43] Can't install. Run `bower install --config.interactive=false` manually
npm WARN deprecated gulp-ngmin@0.3.0: Deprecated in favor of gulp-ng-annotate: - Reasoning:
npm WARN deprecated ngmin@0.5.0: use ng-annotate instead
npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing fsevents@0.2.0

Then, when running gulp serve:

[12:01:37] Using gulpfile ~/exp/sang/gulpfile.js
[12:01:37] Starting 'statics'...
[12:01:37] Finished 'statics' after 158 ms
[12:01:37] Starting 'jshint'...
[12:01:38] Starting 'clean-css'...
[12:01:38] Starting 'templates'...
[12:01:38] Server started on 3000 port
[12:01:38] Finished 'clean-css' after 19 ms
[12:01:38] Starting 'styles'...
[12:01:38] Finished 'templates' after 317 ms
[12:01:38] Finished 'styles' after 361 ms
[12:01:38] Starting 'csslint'...
[12:01:38] Starting 'build-all'...
[12:01:38] 'build-all' errored after 2.86 ms
[12:01:38] Error: Bower components directory does not exist at bower_components
    at module.exports (/home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/main-bower-files/lib/index.js:45:15)
    at Gulp.index (/home/miki/exp/sang/gulpfile.js:104:29)
    at module.exports (/home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/lib/runTask.js:33:7)
    at Gulp.Orchestrator._runTask (/home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:273:3)
    at Gulp.Orchestrator._runStep (/home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:214:10)
    at /home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:279:18
    at finish (/home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/lib/runTask.js:20:8)
    at /home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/lib/runTask.js:51:4
    at f (/home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/node_modules/end-of-stream/node_modules/once/once.js:16:25)
    at Transform.onfinish (/home/miki/exp/sang/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/node_modules/end-of-stream/index.js:26:18)
[12:01:38] Finished 'jshint' after 927 ms
[12:01:38] Finished 'csslint' after 49 ms

Are these two related?

joakimbeng commented 9 years ago

Yes, they are related. If bower install was not run the bower_components directory won't be created.

Does a manual bower install work for you?

rubik commented 9 years ago

Argh, sorry it was my setup. Something was shadowing the global install of bower and so the command wasn't found. The error was a bit cryptic.

So I guess the only issue here is the deprecation of ngmin and gulp-ngmin.

joakimbeng commented 9 years ago

I see, it would be good if I add some better error messages to gulp-install then...

Yes, will fix the deprecation issue with gulp-ngmin.