slushjs / slush

The streaming scaffolding system - Gulp as a replacement for Yeoman
MIT License
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State of Slush #51

Open kokujin opened 8 years ago

kokujin commented 8 years ago

I wonder what the state of Slush is at the moment. 3665 generators compared to 285+. Slush was(is?) supposed to be a replacement for Yeoman, but it seems as if the development or use is slowing down. Should there be a list of approved generators to change this situation?

joakimbeng commented 8 years ago

Yes, Slush can be a replacement for Yeoman, but as you say there are far more generators for Yeoman than for Slush. And if you look at it from the user's perspective there's hardly any difference between a Yeoman or Slush generator, so as a user you're probably going with the scaffolding system with the most generators.

Slush was created to ease the development of generators compared to how to develop them for Yeoman. At the time of Slush's release IMO it did in fact make that easier. But Yeoman may have evolved since then so the developer experience may be much better today.

In hindsight Slush wasn't that much better than Yeoman for developers, to consider switching scaffolding system. So I think the developers bets on the system with the most generators as well.

For me the problem with all generators are maintaining them, because of the fast pace in the JS community. Best practices and libs are changing almost constantly so it's hard to make generic and long lasting generators. This is also related to #52 which I see Yeoman has a solution for. The key to easing the developer experience regarding maintenance of generators is composability and resusability which Yeoman also seems to have come a long way with.

Conclusion: I understand that both users and developers use the system with the most generators (Yeoman), so the development of Slush generators is slowing down. And I don't actually think a list of approved generators would change that situation. But I'm up for adding new contributors/maintainers to the Slush community with fresh ideas of where to take Slush! (wanna be a member? don't hesitate to ask)

Side note: I would love to see a new kind of scaffolding system which promotes reusability in its core, pure functions, no this, no inheritance, plain objects and perhaps promises. With a scaffolding system like that, one can really embrace the whole NPM ecosystem to build generators. My intention is to build something in that manner but, as always, haven't had the time.

sameeri commented 8 years ago


Hope you are doing well. It has been sometime since i have last visited slush's repo and i stepped into look if slush was going to support gulp (version 4).

Anyway, i ran into this issue and looked at your thoughts and just wanted to pour mine out.

A history of how i got started with slush.

And then i got busy with other stuff. :) But i consider slush a project that has helped me a lot. And i appreciate the thought process of making a simple system using another simple system.

These days, rapid learning, and working with anything new on the table that offers a new thinking is not too uncommon and to establish a good scaffolding system needs time and practice and vision.

And people like Dan Abramov throwing challenges to the community prompts people to think and build systems like

Your thoughts and ideas are very interesting. And i would love to learn from you your ways of thinking.