slycelote / caide

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Hanging Of Visual Studio #39

Open Spidy104 opened 3 years ago

Spidy104 commented 3 years ago

When I parse a problem Visual Studio often hangs, How to remove it?

slycelote commented 3 years ago

Can you provide a repro?

mingyEx commented 1 year ago

Hi, this closed question might help My experience is that when I click on the vs icon and click to enter the project from here: image

the IDE will freeze after 2~5 seconds.
When I open the empty vs and select file->open project to open VsCaide.sln, everything normal. image

mingyEx commented 1 year ago

But when I open other solutions, VS suddenly hangs even though I never loaded vscaide's project.

slycelote commented 1 year ago

Can you upload screenshots of VS freezing / hanging? Does it happen every time?

mingyEx commented 1 year ago

Can you upload screenshots of VS freezing / hanging? Does it happen every time? I did three tests

  1. Open VsCaide.sln directly in the startup interface of vs It gets stuck after I write a for 1
  1. Open other apps after forcibly closing vs Immediately stuck: figure 2 2

  2. In the above situation, open the app after closing VS forcibly, and it gets stuck pic3 3 Had this problem when I first used it about a year ago.

By the way, I am a Chinese user, I am not sure if it is the reason of GFW, my network status is:

  1. I can open Google and youtube smoothly
  2. can be opened correctly, problems can be loaded and projects can be generated correctly.
  3. When the question link is, it has a certain probability that it will timeout.
slycelote commented 1 year ago

And when VsCaide is disabled this never happens? Can you share your zipped caide directory (with build products removed)? I don't think network should matter at all.

mingyEx commented 1 year ago

Whenever I click on any item from this interface, it will definitely get stuck 3 whatever the project: 1. QQ截图20221217023531 2. 2 But when I disabled the plugin, none of these problems exist, even if I open the VsCaide project from the above interface

zipped caide directory image I'm using the zip compression that comes with windows 11, and I don't understand why their sizes differ so much

mingyEx commented 1 year ago

I re-decompressed the compressed file and got the following picture image

I noticed that when I compress the folder, windows ignores the .vs folder by default, as far as I know it is some cache that visual studio parses the source code for code coloring, it should not affect this problem.

mingyEx commented 1 year ago

image Yesterday I was able to use it normally for an algorithm contest and could open other projects without problems. The only difference is that this time I set the folder to drive D. But now, twenty-four hours later, I still cause the IDE to get stuck when I open other projects, and the situation is the same as described last time.

I noticed that it listens to the http interface, is this a possible cause?

I noticed that the project's folder became very big, I know *.vs is the file parsing cache of visual studio, is it the possible cause of the software jamming? (i.e., will the folder be loaded in the background every time the IDE is opened, as long as the user has installed it and kept it active?)

I really like this plugin, if you can tell me more about how to debug the IDE plugin, I will be happy to learn and willing to provide more error information.