slyh / Cities2-TrafficLightsEnhancement

Advanced traffic lights for Cities: Skylines II
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The intersection cannot accommodate too many people #33

Closed HarryBotter2333 closed 5 months ago

HarryBotter2333 commented 7 months ago

I'm using a mod called: 《BetterPedestrianPathfind 》

This is used to optimize citizens’ wayfinding.

I don't know if this has any impact. These citizens completely block the normal operation of vehicles.

I hope the timer can be used on zebra crossings. In TMPE1 it adjusts the balance of the intersection very well.

屏幕截图 2023-11-29 190942

屏幕截图 2023-11-29 191008

屏幕截图 2023-11-29 190913

0rangeGhost commented 7 months ago

when you have so much pedestrians crossing the road - it's much better to use pedestrian bridges or tunnels to avoid them crossing the road and creating traffic jams

slyh commented 7 months ago

I believe there is no compatibility issue between this mod and Better Pedestrian Pathfind.

This issue is the result of having too many pedestrians and the crossing phase being too short.

zeroibis commented 6 months ago

I have this same issue and am not using any other mods. The only mod I have installed is Traffic Lights Enhancement.

For me the issue appears to be when there is tram tacks at multiple points in the intersection.

slyh commented 6 months ago

You can now customise the duration of pedestrian phase in v0.2.10-alpha, which should alleviate this problem.

zeroibis commented 6 months ago

Thank you for the update, this has made a huge difference!

HarryBotter2333 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the update ! ! Is this calculated based on the original time x custom time multiple? I hope that in the future, the time can be completely customized from 0s,1s,2s,10s,60s,120s...... :)

slyh commented 6 months ago

@HarryBotter2333 It multiplies the original duration. I avoid using seconds or other time units because the traffic light timers are based on in-game ticks rather than real-life time. The default duration is two ticks, so by providing a step of 0.5, you should be able to derive the desired number of ticks precisely.