slyh / Cities2-TrafficLightsEnhancement

Advanced traffic lights for Cities: Skylines II
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[solved] [not a bug] drivers prefer turning left instead of going forward (lhd) #78

Closed xxjoe2 closed 5 months ago

xxjoe2 commented 5 months ago


i found a bug with this mod. in short, drivers will turn left at interactions instead of going forward, causing a lot of traffic jams and when the mod is disabled, everything is fine

the pic below shows, with the mod enabled, they follow the link in red, which should be the one in green


hope that this issuse can be solved since this mod is very useful


slyh commented 5 months ago

Thank you for filing an issue report.

I need your BepInEx log file (BepInEx/LogOutput.log) and save file to better understand the issue.

xxjoe2 commented 5 months ago

my apology

i started a new map as to give you a simplified version. turn out that it's the mod manager's problem. for unknown reason it didnt disable another mod which caused the problem

sorry and thanks for your time

slyh commented 5 months ago

Glad to know that you have solved the issue!

Could you share your findings so that others who encounter the same issue can benefit from them?

xxjoe2 commented 5 months ago

sure. the problem was in fact due the CustomVehiclePathfind mod

i opted to have less traffic so in the screenshot below you wont see too many vehciles. however, you can still find a bus there marked in red, which shouldnt be there since there's no bus stop

this causes huge traffic jams since every driver will turn left and go to the inner road even it's a dead end one, and then back to the main road as indicated by the red arrows, rather than taking the normal route in green


once again, i am sorry for my mistake

slyh commented 5 months ago

The default value of LaneChangingPunishment in CustomVehiclePathfind is indeed a bit too high, I can observe similar behaviour in my city.

xxjoe2 commented 5 months ago

oh yes, thanks for your info

i have set it to a higher value coz i dont like ppl driving in "S" shape. after setting to a lower value (1.0.18f1) it resumed normal. thank you

btw, any chance to have "always green light going foward"? coz i have encountered some problems like below:

eg1 the traffic light marked in green should be disabled or allow green light always since it has no reason to show a red light in this case 05-February-03-01-33-01

eg2 and this one, at the other side of T junction, going forward should be allowed without traffic light control 05-February-03-00-16-00

eg3 this is embrassing... there were 4 lanes with 3 going forward and 1 right turn (in red). but since only left turn traffic allows always green lights, i had to make it like this, changed all going forward lanes as left turn on the left hand side 05-February-14-38-11-00


slyh commented 5 months ago

I'm aware that the preset system has many limitations. Eventually, we will have pattern/phase customisation.

xxjoe2 commented 5 months ago

yeah i understand

thanks for your efforts anyway