slynch8 / 10x

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Feature Request: Syntax Highlighting for Parameters #1905

Open MichaelCenger opened 11 months ago

MichaelCenger commented 11 months ago

It would be nice to define a separate Color for parameters of functions (Similar to the existing "Language.MemberVariable"). Right now function parameters use the color of "Language.Variable".

This is what my theme looks like in Rider for example (Function parameter Variables being Orange in this case): image

And the same thing in 10x. Here I cant control the Color of the parameter so it uses the same as any other "local" variables image

fauder commented 1 month ago

Hi, I wanted to test 10x again to see if I could make the switch from Visual Studio (been using it for 10+ years). This issue is one of the little things that come up.

Your backlog is probably huge and I understand if you need to prioritize stuff. But just my 2 cents; These kinds of small things might be the key to bringing more people using Visual Studio who are hesitant to make the switch.

I also found some other missing Visual Studio color options. I'll see if there is an Issue related to it, if not I'll open one.