slynch8 / 10x

10x IDE/Editor
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Parser Bug: parser does not correctly parse project wide forced include files with a "using namespace" defined #2510

Open JayMarBu opened 6 months ago

JayMarBu commented 6 months ago

Hi, the studio i work for is currently trialing 10x for use as an alternative to VS. however i have encountered a parser issue in our project that makes 10x pretty unpleasant to use.

the way our .slns are set up, to simplify, is via engine projects, and several game code projects. everything in the engine code is defined within a namespace engine_name.

the problem is when editting the game files.

the VS proj files define a list of forced included headers across all game files. one of which has a "using namespace engine_name;" inside (i know, im not a fan either, but its how the codebase is). so all throughout the game code there are defines to engine functions, types ect. that dont have the engine_name:: prefix on them. however, 10x's parser doesnt seem, to be able to pick up on that, even when manually adding the file to the workspace parser settings.

this also blocks all go to definitions on these types aswell, which is a huge pain in such a large codebase.

ive included a small demo project which recreates the setup and issue: parser bug example

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slynch8 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the test project, I'll have a look at this today.