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Inconsistent behavior opening the command panel from Vim's normal mode #2719

Closed javiersalcedopuyo closed 3 weeks ago

javiersalcedopuyo commented 1 month ago

Hello! I noticed that opening the command bar from normal mode with : behaves slightly inconsistently.

It always opens prepopulated with : but sometimes it'll be selected, meaning if you start typing immediately it'll replace it, forcing you to retype the :. This seems to be the default behavior as it is what happens if you open a new 10x instance? However, after typing something in the command bar and closing it (either by cancelling or executing the command), the next time you open it, the cursor will be after the :, rather than selecting it.

It's not a major issue, but it is a bit frustrating at times when I'm firing multiple commands through muscle memory and I mix vim and 10x commands.

Personally, I'd prefer the bar to not be prepopulated at all, because typing : twice when I need a vim command is faster than : and then return for every other command. Locally I have disabled that so I can submit a PR if you agree.

Best regards.

SimpsonGSD commented 1 month ago

I've never seen this issue of the text highlighted when it's open, so that feels like a bug to me. I'm not a fan of having to double type :.

SimpsonGSD commented 3 weeks ago

Just to update, if you now set VimEnableCommandlineMode: true in settings, commands will now appear in the status bar which may help with this issue.

slynch8 commented 3 weeks ago

fixed the text sometimes being selected (1.0.203)